Tag Archive: Head Hunger After WLS

manage cravings after bariatric surgery

How to Manage Cravings After Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss

December 18, 2019 · 0 comments

Manage cravings after bariatric surgery: Patients report decreased hunger and cravings after bariatric (weight loss) surgery. This results in smaller portions and rapid weight loss for most patients. This period of time is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase,” where most don’t have to work very hard for quick

say no to head hunger

5 Ways To Say NO To Head Hunger After WLS

September 22, 2017 · 0 comments

Are you ready to say no to head hunger after WLS? There are times when you could be bored, angry, scared, lonely, or experience a whole range of other emotions. The old habit to avoid feeling your uncomfortable feelings may have been to eat. There are many people who have