Tag Archive: Jill Temkin


Can Your “Self-Talk” Make You Fat?

July 28, 2014 · 0 comments

"Be careful how you talk to yourself because you are listening."  -Lisa M. Hayes Weird question: Would you ever knowingly poison yourself? I am betting your answer would be no! Yet, how many times a day do you talk to yourself in a way that diminishes your value or undermines

emotional eating

4 Key Steps To Stop Emotional Eating

June 6, 2014 · 0 comments

I got on the scale this week after noticing that my clothes were feeling (and looking) tighter than I am comfortable with, and realized that I had slid right past my safety zone into new (or more truthfully, old) territory. I've been traveling a lot for work, and as a

ObesityHelp Conference Speaker Jill Temkin

May 8, 2014 · 0 comments

We’re happy to introduce  Jill Temkin, MA, RAS, TEP as a speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference! Breakout Session: Six Steps To Success When Coping With Addiction After Weight Loss Surgery While weight loss surgery (WLS) alters your body and digestive tracts’ response to food, it doesn’t change how your mind

weight regain

Getting Back To Goal: 5 Key Steps To Reverse Weight Regain

February 12, 2013 · 0 comments

Recently, I got on the scale after noticing that my clothes were feeling (and looking) tighter than I am comfortable with and realized that I had slid right past my “safety zone” into the new (or more truthfully, old) territory. I immediately realized that I had been traveling a lot


Relationships After Weight Loss Surgery: For Better or Worse

December 28, 2012 · 0 comments

Relationships After Weight Loss Surgery: What To Do When Those Closest To You Are More Comfortable With “Worse" We all know that change doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it’s dynamic. As you change, your relationships with those closest to you change too. Yet, most of us are caught by surprise

wls honeymoon

After The WLS Honeymoon Is Over

October 11, 2012 · 0 comments

The first 12 months after my surgery, my WLS honeymoon were magical. I felt like a child, discovering everything for the first time again and loving it! It was like getting a second chance at life. I was very fortunate because my obsessive thoughts about food completely lifted for a period of