Tag Archive: Laura Andromalos

NEWt Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery-

A Helpful Guide for Understanding Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery

March 30, 2017 · 0 comments

Have you ever felt overwhelmed looking for protein supplements after weight loss surgery at the store or online? You’re not alone! The protein supplement industry is huge. According to Euromonitor International, a trend monitoring organization, consumers spend 16 billion dollars per year on protein products. It’s nice to have options


The Appetite Suppressant of Ghrelin Hunger Hormone

June 10, 2016 · 0 comments

Have you ever thought about what makes you feel hungry or full? There are many signals in our body that help to control the amount of food we eat. Ghrelin, which is sometimes called the hunger hormone, is one of these signals. What is Ghrelin and What Does It Do?