Tag Archive: lymphedema

lower body lift 1

Body Lift Insights: Addressing Post-Surgical Care & Complications

February 1, 2019 · 0 comments

The lower body lift is one of the most extensive procedures in reconstructive plastic surgery after massive weight loss.  During a circumferential lower body lift, an incision is made entirely around the lower body. During this surgery, excess skin and fat of the abdomen, hips, and buttocks are removed. Depending

Lymphedema and Lipedema1

Could You Have Lipedema?

February 4, 2016 · 0 comments

Lipedema May Increase Obesity in Women Fat on the outside of the body is called Subcutaneous (beneath the skin) Adipose Tissue (SAT). Increased SAT around the hips, buttocks and thighs is gynoid obesity; excess abdominal SAT is common in men and is called android obesity.   Android obesity increases the

lymphedema 3

Living With Lymphedema

November 6, 2015 · 0 comments

In 2010, I began experiencing extreme swelling (edema) and tightness in my legs, feet and ankles especially in my left leg. My left leg became darker and I could create impressions when I pressed on my skin (pitting). I sit most of the time at work so the swelling worsened

I Fit In at FitBloggin Because I Had the Courage to Show Up

July 11, 2014 · 0 comments

Recently, I submitted an idea to the FitBloggin Conference for an opportunity to present a Spark during their Ignite Fitness Keynote. The goal of Ignite Fitness Spark is to share knowledge, inspire change, and/or motive your peers, the challenge is to present your topic in 20 slides that auto rotate every 15 seconds with a time limit of

Lymphedema Advocacy Update

February 5, 2014 · 0 comments

As a weight loss surgery patient with Lymphedema and Lipedema, I believe it is important to share my Lymphedema advocacy efforts with the ObesityHelp community. Recently, there has been some exciting progress made and I wanted to share the great news with you and ask for your continued support. You

Advocate: A Decade in the Making

August 1, 2013 · 0 comments

April marked 10 years since I had my RNY Gastric Bypass. As many post-op patients will admit, the journey has not been as expected, but then again the same could probably be said by anyone regarding events of the past decade. I am looking back on the past 10 years