Tag Archive: meal kit

meal prep for weight loss

The Importance of Meal Prep For Weight Loss

February 9, 2022 · 0 comments

Whether you are pre or post-bariatric surgery, the importance of planning is key to your success and to overall weight loss. Meal prep is key for weight loss. Being mindful and taking steps to determine what and how much you are eating is imperative to sustain weight loss. Life can be

commercial weight loss progras

Yay or Nay: Commercial Weight Loss Programs For Regain?

January 6, 2017 · 0 comments

"Regain" is the word that all post-ops fear to experience. Unfortunately, it is a normal physiological response to extreme weight loss, as well as a side effect of slipping back into old habits. But what help is out there for those of us struggling with regain? Take a look at