Tag Archive: Trace Curry MD

Before & After VSG with Amanda 1

Before & After VSG with Amanda, losing 120 lbs!

January 8, 2019 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS I struggled with my weight for my whole life. My struggle with weight loss began in Middle School as I was always heavier,  overweight or obese all through school. I constantly wanted to be skinny so I could fit in and not be made

Obesity Advocates: Thank You For Your Support!

November 19, 2012 · 0 comments

We would like to say thank you to the Bariatric and Plastic Surgery Professionals who are currently sponsoring our ObesityHelp community and advocacy outreach missions. Each month, we will feature a few of our sponsors. Please join us in thanking the following professionals for their commitment to supporting the fight