Tag Archive: transformation

body love

How To Transform Body Hate Into Body Love

June 21, 2021 · 0 comments

Transform Body Hate Into Body Love “I’ll feel better it when I can fit into those jeans.” “If I could just weigh what I used to I’d look so much better.” “My body sabotages everything I try to do to be healthy.” “I hate my body!” Have you ever had

Transformation After Bariatric Surgery

Willpower vs Enthusiasm for Transformation After Bariatric Surgery

January 7, 2019 · 0 comments

It’s Monday morning at 7 AM and you’re lying in bed scrolling through your social media newsfeeds desperately searching for that motivation that’ll get you off your butt and into the gym to achieve your goal for transformation after bariatric surgery. Kings of the Jungle? It seems like you’re sifting

Transformed Your Body

So, You’ve Transformed Your Body…Now What?

May 19, 2017 · 0 comments

Congratulations, you have accomplished something that takes courage, determination, and discipline and you should be incredibly proud of yourself.  Making the decision to transform your body, and then doing just that, deserves praise. On behalf of everyone who has made that transformation…we welcome you to the other side, where the