Tag Archive: weight maintenance

Lasting Weight Maintenance

Creating New Habits for Lasting Weight Maintenance

May 1, 2023 · 0 comments

Weight regain is an all-too-common issue for those trying to maintain a healthy weight. After the effort and determination required for weight loss, it can be incredibly frustrating when the scale starts to creep back up.  And yet, research indicates that approximately 90% of adults will regain at least a

Weight Maintenance

Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Identity

September 12, 2022 · 0 comments

“What if I’m different after I lose weight?” “I don’t know how to live life at a healthy weight!” “I worry about how people will treat me after I lose weight!” These are common concerns for people as they contemplate weight loss, whether the weight loss comes from lifestyle changes,

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss 1 2

Focus on Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Will Happen!

April 1, 2018 · 0 comments

Whether you’re having weight loss surgery, have had surgery, or are trying to lose weight by other methods, we all know that it is no simple task. Many factors are involved in the process of weight loss as well as weight maintenance. In fact, many find the challenge of maintaining

Long Term Maintenance

6 Tips for Long-Term Maintenance of Weight Loss

May 6, 2016 · 0 comments

You had weight loss surgery, cruised through the “honeymoon” phase of your weight loss journey in the first twelve to eighteen months after surgery, and now face the reality of maintaining and managing your weight loss amidst life’s constant stressors. Your weight loss surgery has provided you with a tool