Using Block Lists and Report Posts

ObesityHelp provides a "Block" tool to help you customize and improve your personal support environment and experience on the message boards. If there is a member's posts that you prefer not to see when reading posts on the message boards, you can use the "Block" feature to add the member to your block list.  This will make it so that you will no longer see their posts.


Adding a block through the post

To add someone to your block list directly from a message board post, hover over their avatar and click on "Block" to add them to your block list.


Adding a block through their profile

To add someone to your block list, you can also go to their profile.  To the right of their avatar and click on "Block Member" to add them to your block list.

Adding a block through your Friends Dashboard

To add someone to your block list through your friends dashboard, go to "My OH"  then navigate to "Friends".
From there go to "Blocked" and enter in the username of the person you would like to add to your block list.  This is also the area where you will be able to administer your blocks. Example, if you ever wanted to remove a block at a later date or if you accidentally blocked the wrong user.

Report Posts

Posts that are made on the ObesityHelp moderated message boards must comply with Terms of Service.  If you believe a post violates TOS, there are options available to report the post. Under the text of every post, you will see three buttons, "Reply", "Quote" and "Report".  To begin reporting the post, Click "Report".


You will then see a comment box field, here you will have the opportunity to type in why you are reporting the post and which TOS you think is being violated with the post.


Report posts are sent directly to the ObesityHelp Member Services' Department for review and determination.  For additional help or questions, use the contact us page.

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