Edit Your Privacy Settings

There are many settings that can be adjusted to control who you share information with.

To Edit Your General Privacy Settings: Go into your “Settings”


 Under "General" Tab ->Basic

You can edit the following to control who you share information with:

  1. Display Name Preferences
  2. Location Display
  3. Profile Visibility
  4. Profile on Your Surgeon's Site
  5. Before & After on Your Surgeon's Site

Under "General" Tab-> Contact Preferences

You can edit the following to control your privacy:

  1. Postal Mail, Phone and Email contacts preferences
  2. Private Message control

Under "Profile" Tab -> Basic

You can edit the following to control your privacy:


Under "Health Tracker" Tab -> Community Sharing

You can control who can see your Health Tracker information, which can be displayed in community updates, widgets & tickers, and on your health professional's profile or website. You can edit the following to control who you share information with.



In addition to the above areas, you also have individual privacy settings in your Photos, Blog, and Goals sections that you can adjust per your specific preferences. For each of these areas - you could go to "My OH" then the respective section that you'd like to adjust (Photos, Goals, Blog etc) and then the settings section for that area. If you need help with a specific question that was not covered on this page please contact us through this form that goes directly to our Member Services Department.

Next:  Edit Your Contact Information >>
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