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Q&A Patient Panel Session: Friday 3:00pm – 3:50pm

Unveiling Transformations & Celebrating Journeys - WLS Grad Panel

Join this session as we showcase and honor the achievements of graduates from Weight Loss Surgery.  The panel brings together individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery and successfully transformed their lives.

The panelists will share their personal stories, highlighting the challenges they faced before the surgery, their journey through WLS., and the positive impact it had on their lives. They discuss the physical, mental, and emotional transformations they experienced, emphasizing the importance of support, dedication, and perseverance throughout the process.

The panel will also serve as a platform to educate and inspire others who might be considering weight loss surgery or are currently on a similar journey. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek advice, and gain insights from the panelists' experiences.

Meet the Panel

Q&A Panelist: Daniel Bates

Daniel underwent a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RNY) procedure in 2017 at Ohio Health in Columbus, Ohio, which marked the beginning of his transformative journey. Recognizing the importance of holistic transformation, he further pursued his goals by undertaking three rounds of plastic surgeries in 2018, 2019, and 2022.

Throughout his journey, Daniel has remained connected to the Ohio Health community, attending his first OH conference as a pre-op patient in 2016. He cherishes the friendships he forged during that time and continues to maintain them to this day. Daniel firmly believes in the power of education and support as vital components of any personal journey.

Emphasizing the need for flexibility and realistic expectations, he understands that the challenges of food addiction persist even after surgery. However, Daniel’s resilient spirit motivates him to overcome obstacles and seek assistance whenever necessary. Excited to return to OH and share his experiences, he looks forward to inspiring and supporting others on their own transformative paths.

Connect with Daniel: Facebook

daniel bates

Panelist: Daniel Bates
Surgery type: RNY (2017)

Q&A Panelist: Jessica De La Cerda

Jessica suffered an obstruction in her small intestine three days after her revision and has undergone three skin removals. Life as a weight loss surgery patient has not been easy for her, but living with obesity wasn't easy either. She has no regrets and would do it all over again. The only thing she would do differently is to have her weight loss surgery sooner.

Fast forward to 2023, and now Jessica is almost 56 years old and lives a healthy life. She works hard to maintain her weight loss through eating healthy and working out, but most of her self-care focuses on her emotional health. Her success in her journey does not come from the number on the scale, but from the number of non-scale victories she has accomplished throughout her journey.

Jessica De La Cerda

Panelist: Jessica De La Cerda
Surgery type: VSG (2014)

Caleshia Haynes

Caleshia Haynes underwent life-changing Duodenal Switch surgery with Dr. Charles Procter Jr. in July 2020. She has lost over 300 pounds from her highest recorded weight, with an impressive 205 pounds lost since her surgery date. Caleshia believes in celebrating the transformations that happen on the inside. The mental and spiritual transformation process has been the most important and helpful for her. It has required deep introspection, brutal honesty, and great courage. She is forever grateful and eternally hopeful!

Driven by her personal experience as a Duodenal Switch patient, Caleshia now serves as a peer mentor within the bariatric community, dedicating herself to helping others thrive after their surgeries. She actively engages with fellow patients on Instagram and is a member of ObesityHelp.com where she shares her experience, knowledge, and support.

Caleshia's OH Profile: ObesityHelp, Instagram

Caleshia Haynes

Panelist: Caleshia Haynes
Surgery type: DS (2020)

Q&A Panelist: Steve Totah

Steve has conquered the challenges of obesity throughout his life. From an early age, he found solace in food as his coping mechanism, using it to navigate through various emotions. Unfortunately, being overweight resulted in being a target for bullying, leading to a severe blow to his self-esteem and making him feel like a loner.

In April 2018, Steve underwent a life-changing journey by undergoing) Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) with the guidance of the renowned Dr. Gary Grinberg. This transformative procedure led to an incredible weight loss of 155 pounds. However, the battle didn’t end there.

Steve faced numerous mental and emotional obstacles along the way. Through sheer determination and perseverance, he overcame these hurdles, emerging stronger than ever. Steve dedicates himself to empowering others to reclaim their lives and achieve their own personal transformations.

Connect with Steve: ObesityHelp, Facebook, Instagram

Steve Totah

Panelist: Steve Totah
Surgery type: VSG (2018)
