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2022 OH National Conference

Sean Nichols

Sean Nichols had weight loss surgery in 2007 and had some great success!  He lost more than 200 pounds! Then down the road, he experienced regain. Although he has struggled himself, Sean has been invested in the education and support for those who have had or are thinking of having weight loss surgery. He continues to be the hearing ear and support for many people who have had a ‘failed’ weight loss surgery.

Late in 2021, Sean had Revision Surgery with Dr. Charlotte Hodges in Dallas, and TLC filmed the whole process. This show is scheduled to air in early 2023. He is experiencing success and has renewed goals and he would love to share his story with you!

> Connect with Sean: ObesityHelp, Facebook, Instagram

sean nichols

Patient Story: Friday 2:45pm – 3:05am, Pacific Ballroom

The Courage to Change - My Quest For Revision After Losing 200 Pounds
