for those who lost 100-ish lbs in 6 months

on 1/1/12 3:26 am
115lbs in 6.5 months lost.

600-800 calories
60+gr of protein
no more than 30-40gr of ALL Carbs, none of this net carb crap (I didn't have time nor the energy to deal with subtracting fiber yada yada)
64oz+ clear fluids.

4 meals per day, each meal HAD to consist of a MINIMUM of 15gr of protein. No snacks, no B.S.

Measured my meals by volume, tracked my food intake, and didn't waver while in the losing stage.

Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 1/1/12 3:27 am, edited 1/1/12 3:30 am
 I lost EXACTLY 100lbs in EXACTLY six months :) How did I do it?

I'd be lying if I said it was by sticking to my surgeon's plan exactly. The truth is, I've always been kind of a rebel when it comes to this surgery. Tales of sleeve abuse abound with me--eating the wrong foods too early, nights of carbicide, ****tails, etc. But there are three tips I've learned from this experience that I found helpful:

One, there's no need for snacking! It's the mindless nibbling throughout the day that made most of us fat. If you stick to eating normal meals with sensible portions (which you're already forced to) the weight WILL come off, so long as you're not grazing throughout the day.

Two, never give up! Even after a day where you've just said f-ck it, and eaten pizza or some other food that's on the VSG ****list, you can pick yourself up the next day and continue working your sleeve. The nice thing is that with the sleeve, the results are much more immediate, and you can find out what works and doesn't work through trial and error if you're one of those people like me who always has to learn the hard way. Be warned that just because you shouldn't eat something with the sleeve, doesn't mean you can't eat it. Pizza and cookies fit in the sleeve just fine too, so personal discipline is heavily involved.

Three, if you go through this with an Atkins mindset, it really helps. Keeping a low glycemic index makes the weight fall off like crazy. No more processed sugars, no more simple carbs. They have low-carb everything nowadays. I've been addicted to CarbSmart ice cream and sugar-free bulk candy to help satisfy my sweet tooth. You'll be surprised how much weight you lose just not eating bread, rice, and soda.

Now that being said, if you stick to your surgeon's diet plan (which honestly varies from person to person, so take it with a grain of salt) and get just a little bit of exercise in, you should be okay. The hunger will be tamed, but not eliminated. It's your job to use your head when you think you feel hungry. The sleeve affords us the golden opportunity to stop for a moment and ask ourselves "Am I REALLY hungry?" It's something I've wanted all my life, and I KNEW that if I had something that would just keep me from eating too much at every meal, that I could be healthy. So far, I have no regrets. And if a screwup like me can lose that kind of weight, imagine how someone who's a better sleever can do.

HW 403 / SW 372 / CW 204 / GW 199    

on 1/1/12 4:33 am - Sacramento, CA
 Well, I've lost 99.4 pounds in 5.75 months ...

Main thing is that I'm not on a diet, I've adapted to a different lifestyle. This reflects a permanent change in my relationship with food. 

I don't eat to derive happiness or satisfaction from food. I get my protein in, 80-100 g a day (with shakes) and at least two liters of fluid. I exercise. 

I DO NOT EAT UNTIL FULL.  Like Frisco and others recommend, I 'undereat' my sleeve. I measure and weigh out my portions. This becomes more important the closer you are to goal.

I never drink while eating to flush out my stomach. 

I learn from my mistakes, don't grieve over them but don't repeat them either. 

I record what I put in my mouth because when I stop recording I really underestimate my intake. 


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 1/1/12 11:18 pm - PA
I lost 97 lbs in 6 months. I wasn't as strict with my diet as some of the others here (I didn't consciously restrict my carbs). I did do protein first, then fruits and vegetables. Drank lots of water. But, most importantly, was EXCERCISE and STRENGTH TRAINING. I excercised at least 6 days a week for 1 hour. I did almost all group fitness classes: Step, Spinning, Strength Training, Kickboxing. The group classes pushed me as much as a personal trainer would, but without the cost.

I strength-trained 2 times a week, which, I believe kept my metabolism running high, due to maintaining my muscle mass. When I checked my body fat percentage throughout, the majority of my loss was fat, not muscle. To me, that means that my metabolism at the end of this, is most likely higher than others at the same weight who do not strength train.

I didn't do a lot of protein shakes after the first month (my surgeon doesn't recommend them), but I do drink them immediately after strength training to aid in muscle recovery/growth.

Good luck to you! You can do it!

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 6/8/12!! - LBL, BL/BA, Arm Lift & Medial Thigh Lift             
on 1/2/12 3:31 am - CT
 thank you thank you thank you, everyone!!  you guys are my inspiration!  here goes, & i'll keep y'all posted... :)
HW: 291  SW: 276    
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