Protein shake help/advise please!

on 2/16/13 1:48 am
VSG on 07/15/13

I agree, I find the About Time doesn't have that fake gel consistency that so many protein powders have (probably b/c this only has 4 ingredients).

on 2/16/13 2:12 am - Northern, CA

None of my protein powders are thick like slime. Are you sure you are making them correctly? Also, there's no reason you can't just add more water until they are the consistency you like. It doesn't change their nutritional make-up.

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on 2/16/13 5:18 am - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

Yes I am making them per the package directions. I have some that are in bottles. You seriously can't mess these up. The more water I add the thinner they get, but then I have to drink that much more and have to add more stuff to them because then the actual flavor is watered down.

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


on 2/16/13 11:06 am - Northern, CA

Weird. I find the RTD thicker than the powders. I use Chike and Syntrax the most. Syntrax Maxtrix Mint Cookie is AWESOME.

I make them with water and ice in a blender and that makes them more like a smoothie and much easier to get down. Until someone father out than me showed me that trick, I had a lot of issues choking down shakes due to the taste and texture. I found them kind of chalky.

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on 2/16/13 11:15 am - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

I blended some with ice today and it was much better! I think maybe it's just the 2 brands I have tried so far because others have said the same thing about other brands not being so thick. I do have Chike and Matrix that I will be trying soon. My surgery is Monday so probably when I get home after that.

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


on 2/16/13 1:34 pm - Northern, CA

Oh, if you haven't had surgery yet, don't worry so much... you'll see some taste changes in the beginning so what you like today you might not tomorrow. Heck, you might even like that thick crap. (Ha ha.)

Actually the big changes seem to be in sweet and salty tastes. Anyway, just get lots of samples and wait until post-op to try them.

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on 2/16/13 1:48 pm - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

Yeah, I heard taste can change. I am on a pre-op diet that consists of 3 shakes a day. That is the only reason I am doing anything with them right now. 

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


on 2/16/13 2:27 pm - Northern, CA

Yuck! I hate liquid pre-op diets! So sorry you have to be on one.

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