Food Funerals/Last Suppers?

on 2/3/14 12:47 am

I think the pre-op diet is for more than just shrinking your liver - it's to prepare your body and mind for making the transition to your new lifestyle. I had the option of doing the food funerals. I decided not to, because my attitude has changed about food and I don't want to see it as a reward or celebration or entertainment anymore. My journey really began when I accepted myself as a food addict *****ally needs to change.

The closest I came was after my 36-hour fast last week I ate a bunch (salad with turkey, salad dressing, bacon bits, slice of bread) because I was so hungry and feeling so weak, but went straight back to the program and even lost a couple more pounds since the binge.

My surgery's tomorrow, and I suppose I could run out and eat a bucket of popcorn or a cheeseburger or something, but that is not where my head is at anymore. That is fat girl behavior and I don't want to be that anymore. I had a little bit of chicken this morning for breakfast and that was enough, I'm feeling very content so why wreck that feeling.

Why act like a fat girl when that is the last thing in the world I want to be?

The funeral should be for the fat girl. End her forever!


on 2/3/14 8:55 am

I love the idea of having a fat girl funeral! I could bury ugly pictures and "fat clothes" and completey close the door on that way of living.  What a neat idea!

 Height: 5'9" Age: 30 Highest: 338 Consult: 323 Surgery: 314 Goal: 180 Current: 297

VSG on 03/06/2014

“You'll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do."  - David Foster Wallace

on 2/3/14 9:01 am

Yes! And bury the fat girl mindset, the addictions to junk food, the seconds and thirds and fourth helpings... picking the seat closest to the buffet table... avoiding physical activity... finding the closest parking space... focusing on the food rather than the company at a party. I'll have to wear the clothes for a BIT longer, but I'm definitely getting rid of the ATTITUDE, and hey, I might even start to like the pictures everybody takes of me around Christmas time.

on 2/3/14 1:54 am
VSG on 12/31/13

The funny thing, to me, is that I haven't missed the carbs that I once craved. Once in awhile I will dream about some kind of food, usually sweets or maybe pizza, but in the dream I am always horrified that I'm going to rupture my sleeve.  I can watch my family eat salads, steak, pizza, and even ice cream and I'm fine with it.  I don't even want a taste of it. I know I'm only 5 weeks postop, but I really hope this continues.  I think it's because I am taking in very low carbs, often less than 20/day.  Once I get my protein in, I couldn't care less about carbs.

HW: 229 ; SW: 208 (-21);  GW: 125

Wt. Loss:   M1: 189 -(19)  M2: 178 (-11)  M3: 172 (-5)  M4: 170 (-2)  M5: 166 (-4)






on 2/3/14 8:57 am

I have been doing low/no carbs off and on for over a decade. Each time I swear I'm done, I struggle through carb-withdrawal, I start living carb-pristine, I start dropping weight, and reward myself with how well I'm doing by eating a little bit of carbs here and there, and next thing you know, I'm back to eating full carbs.  I am hoping that between restriction and a diminshed appetite it will be easy to start with protein and not feel the need to "fill up" the rest of my stomach with sugar disguised as harmless sides.

 Height: 5'9" Age: 30 Highest: 338 Consult: 323 Surgery: 314 Goal: 180 Current: 297

VSG on 03/06/2014

“You'll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do."  - David Foster Wallace

on 2/3/14 4:00 am - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

I had a TON of food funerals - all the foods I knew would probably never have again in the same way; cheeseburgers, Guiness, pasta, big carne asada tacos, tequila, and desserts galore!  I do not regret ONE second of it - I've lost weight just fine - and it was my way of saying good-bye (for now)... I feel just as determined. 



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 2/3/14 8:59 am

I think I had an inadvertant food funeral today with a subway sandwich.  After I was finished eating I was like, "blech, maybe I'm not going to miss downing a loaf of bread for lunch as much as I thought I would"! :)

 Height: 5'9" Age: 30 Highest: 338 Consult: 323 Surgery: 314 Goal: 180 Current: 297

VSG on 03/06/2014

“You'll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do."  - David Foster Wallace

on 2/3/14 5:03 pm - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

Ya - it's funny huh?  And since it's all about getting our head on straight, it's nice to know we're beginning to look the other way!



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 2/3/14 4:33 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi Hollybell!

You will obviously get a lot of differing opinions on this.  I was one of the people who had food funerals every day for the two weeks before I started my two week pre-op liquid diet.  Yep, every night I would say "Oh I need to have a burrito the size of my head from Chipotle since I can never have that again!" or "Oh I am going to order pizza since I can never have that again".  I regret this so much.

1. When I started my pre-op diet, I had a massive carb crashing skull crushing headache for a day, followed by severe lethargy for 3 days.  I don't think it would have been this bad had I not been eating a mountain of food the two weeks prior

2. Now that I am seven weeks post op (and 43 lbs down), I am still struggling every day to eat within my plan and completely change my lifestyle.  I have to buy the right foods.  I have to meticulously measure and prepare them. I get on the scale a few times a week, hopeful that I will see a significant loss.  I have had the 3 week stall.  I have had the "time of the month and the scale ain't budging" experience. I am doing Zumba, I am walking regularly, I am eating around 600 calories a day...and yet, sometimes the scale stays right where it is.  Losing weight takes a lot of time, and a lot of effort.  The fact that I packed on uncecessary pounds by having all of those food funerals, well it makes me want to punch myself!  Not really, but you know what I mean.  I would be down another 10 lbs feasibly and into Twoterland or whatever it's called, if I hadn't had the food funerals.

3. My fears of never having those things again?  Unfounded.  I have already been to a Mexican restaurant.  I got fajitas with no rice and no tortillas.  I had it for dinner and brought home the leftovers for two more meals.  I am not dying without pizza and Mexican.  I was dying with pizza and Mexican.

So, I guess I am saying "do as I say, not as I do".  I really regret my food funerals.  

Good luck!  Your life is about to change for the BETTER!  :) Emily

on 2/3/14 5:20 am

"I am not dying without pizza and Mexican.  I was dying with pizza and Mexican."

What a quotable quote. We should have a quote wall.

I'm doing my best to break those junk-food habits myself. Some days are better than others. I think having "food funerals" would have made it 1000% worse. Some days I don't see how I'm going to get through the day without a trip to the Indian buffet. Yes, seriously. But I haven't caved. I whine and moan about it, and then I get the heck over it. Giving myself permission to indulge "just one last time" would really have messed me up physically and mentally.

~~ VSG February 4, 2014 ~~ 30lb. lost since surgery ~~
~~ you will never regret not eating something ~~
~~if you're light enough, you just might be able to fly~~
~~nothing tastes as good as skinny feels~~
HW: 303 || SW: 255 || CW: 225 || GW: 120 || UGW: 105

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