everyone is not a lapaband success story!!!!

on 4/14/06 10:09 am - Lincoln, NE
I'm pre-op so I'm not speaking from experience, but I wanted to say 'DON'T GIVE UP!' in my long and varied dieting history, I certainly found that I did better by doing a low carb or low glycemic index diet so you might want to try that. (not sure what Dr Phil's plan is... ) Those 'white foods' like sugar, potatos and breads just made me want MORE all the time. Whereas, if I took the time and energy to fix some TASTY protein recipe for my meal, and only snack on a deviled egg or beef jerky or piece of cheese, then I felt full MUCH LONGER. I know that it's hard to do that when other family members are eating carby things, but it can be done. You might want to wean them off candy and chips too tho, as those things have no nutritional value and no one really NEEDS to consume them. Hopefully you will soon get the restriction you need and are able to make good choices for your food/exercise regime GOOD LUCK! Sally
on 5/11/06 5:33 am - Wharton, NJ
Hi Brandy, I see the original post was awhile ago, but I haven't been on the site recently. I just wanted you to know you are not alone.. It hasn't worked for me either. I have been diagnosed as having esophogus problems. Basically I can over eat the band and my esophogus is stretching. This is very serious and my dr. was so surprised I don't have any acid reflux. He is recommending I take the band out. But I am resisting. I think it does help me somewhat, I just never ever feel the full sensation. So the band does limit my quantity but I vomit alot. I am sorry so many people wrote about exercise. When you are overweight, exercise is difficult. It is a catch 22, You need to lose to move around easier and you can't lose. That is why we went this drastic route in the first place. So just keep in mind to keep trying, I am always on some new plan to try and make this work and not have to have it removed. Good luck. I have lost 40 lbs. since my lapband 4/05. I hit that mark last Oct. and haven't lost any more since and have been really trying. Debbie
on 5/23/06 1:37 am - peoria, IL
i am a candidate for either lap band or having my teeth wired. about the teeth wiring------------ there is only one orthodontist who does this, that i can locate, and he is in brooklyn. drted.com. it is about 2300$ and they teach you to take off the wire which holds only the premolar and molars]-----a great idea if you want to go somewhere and look halfway normal. i dont live close-----but brooklyn people could just go back to the office, for their routine wire cut--which allows you to excercise your jaws, and get a dental cleaning. in other words it would be better not to know how to wire and unwire yourself. i have looked and looked--for hours on the web, trying to find other docs who will wire teeth. i was hoping for some in mexico, as surely it would be cheaper. the cost is high at dr ted because of liability, i think. there is an orthodontist in hollywood, and one in littleton, colo. i heard, that wire for weight loss. then i ordered something like' the dds system'--a dental appliance that you put in your mouth that makes you eat more slowly. it is just a denture without the teeth--called the LATS SYSTEM--BUT I GOT IT FROM CANADA==ABOUT 300$ WITH THE SHIping. oops- sorry about the caps. it does make eating laborious, but obviously anything that can be taken out--- well you know. years ago, someone developed a dental appliance that coud not be taken out and it forced you to eat small bites. does anyone know about it.????????????? we could all be millionaires if we could just design something. i found on the web a man who got a patent for something he said was not removeable, but hasnt mass produced them. i begged to be his guinea pig, and havent heard from him. cant remember his name. a dentist friend--fat--wouldnt design something because he is afraid of the liability---[as if people dont swallow their loose caps and fillings!!! ] please email me at [email protected] or even send your phone number if you want to try to pursue options together. i may end up with the band, but as a nurse, i am afraid of potential problems down the road. if you go in an emergency room and have to have a surgeon, how much would it cost you if you arent covered under insurance? i am afraid of it being thousands of dollars. also, some banded people on the web,--disappear--so i wonder if they have gained alot of weight. does anyone know how much people are getting to refer us to their surgeon for lap band? i heard 500$ all some of us can do is to pray for strength not to give up on ourselves, is all i have for advice!
Tonia Loveslife
on 6/4/06 3:23 am - Port Neches, TX
Hi Brandy! I had the lap band and Had to have it removed so I had the RNY done when they removed it. The problem for me was that I had to diet with the band. I even started doing WW after about six months with it. I also have a problem with junk food and they went down really easy with the band. I think the band has helped many people but doesn't work for others. That happens with all wls though. All I can suggest is to tell you doctor your problems and if he doesn't want to listen change doctors! Some doctors just don't get it! So I wish you the best of luck! Tonia
Ramblin' Rose
on 6/10/06 10:45 pm - West, TX
Oh, God bless you! I am sending you a great, big HUG! I know about disappointment and devastation. I was banded on May 2 and at that time the doc put 1 cc in my band. I didn't really have what I would call restriction per se, not that I could really tell. I went for my first fill yesterday, all excited about getting started on this weight loss journey...and low and behold...I have a leak! Yes, a leak! He put in 3 cc and only 1 would come out. On fluoroscope when I swallowed the barrium...it zipped right down through my stomach like nobody's business! Now, where the leak is, we do not know. He says 90% of the time it is where the port connects to the tubing, but could be higher up [[[horrors]]]...so I have to go in for more surgery! Now he has taken even the 1 cc out and I can tell you...I must have had SOME restriction before and did not realize it, because I really have none now. So...only 1cc makes a huge difference. PLEASE...PLEASE either speak to your doctor about better fills, or seek out another WLS doctor who is more atuned to the band and what a fill really is and how hurtful and counterproductive NOT having the proper fill is. It is too soon to give up...please give it another try and please post and let us know how it goes! I have my "fix" on Wednesday...just hoping and praying I don't have to have the entire band replaced and start over at square one again. Good luck to you!
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