Internal Hernias and Bowel Obstructions

on 11/17/08 12:23 pm - Philadelphia, PA

I am home now recovering from the multiple surgeries that I had.  First, let me tell you my medical history.

* April 27, 2001--an open gastric bypass surgery; weighed 415lbs and lost 160lbs.
*February 1, 2002--gall bladder removed due to multiple gallstones.
*August 5, 2004--c-section to deliver my daughter.
*October 23, 2006--hernia repair operation
*August 24, 2008--c-section (birth of my son), hernia repair and bowel obstruction.

After my hernia surgery in 2006, I went to my gasterologist, who also did my gastric bypass surgery, and told him that I had two lumps in my lower abdomen.  He told me not to worry about them because they were only scar tissues.  So, I didn't worry, but as time went on those lumps were getting bigger and at times were giving me pain.

In 2007, I became pregnant and during the ultrasound, it was discovered that I had another hernia.  In the beginning of this year, I was rushed to the emergency room because the hernia was giving a lot of pain and they were worried about the baby.  I went to my gynecologist on a Friday to get a note to go back to work and that Sunday morning, I started vomiting bile and had to be rushed back to the hospital.  This time I stayed in there for a week.  I took the risk (due to radiation) by having a CT scan while I was six months pregnant.  I prayed to God to let his will be done on the birth of this baby.  I needed to know what was wrong inside my abdomen and this test would be able to do so.  Also, I was refusing a MRI test because of my pain and panic attacks going in that machine.  The test was going to take 45 minutes and I refused to do it.  So, the doctors suggest a cat scan, but warned me of the risk of 4% radiation to the baby.

The test discovered that I had a bowel obstruction.  They took another ultrasound and could see that my bowels were back up and slowly passing through the hernia.  After 5 days, I went home.  About 1am on a Saturday morning, I was once again in severe pain.  I had shortness of breath, cold sweats and contractions.  When I arrived to the maternity triage, I was hollering so loud due to the pain that they had to put me in another room because I was frightening the other pregnant women.  They wanted to push the hernia back in and send me home because it was too early for the baby to be born.  He wasn't due until September 28th and I had him on August 24th.  I was in too much pain to have the doctor push the hernia back in.

In the same incision, they did the c-section then repair the hernia and then the bowel obstruction.  I stayed in the hospital a week and had a wound vac to drain the fluids from my wound.  The doctor said that I had too much pus and scar tissues for stitches.  My surgeon said that I would have developed infections.  I would recommend the wound vac to close up your wound.  It was a little painful at times, but it did its job.  My wound healed from the inside-out and I didn't get a keloid; just a thin pencil line down my abdomen.

I did gain weight after weight loss surgery.   My weight was 348lbs in June while pregnant.  I lost 60lbs by October.  After the surgeries, I constantly had diarrhea and still having them.  No matter what I eat, a half an hour later, I'm in the bathroom.  I happy that I'm at 290lbs and still losing, but I'm sore from all the bowel movements.  And, on the last visit with my surgeon, I asked him, "When are the diarrheas going to stop?"  He said, "You have to heal from the inside-out.  You were all messed up inside with scar tissues and pus.  You had a lot done."  I said, "I understand that, but I'm tired of pooping."  He said, "Well, that is going to happen, but it will ease up; it will get better."  I hope it's soon.  My maternity leave expires in February '09, and I hope to be completely healed because I don't want to be in the bathroom longer and more often than I am at my desk.

Although, my son's lungs were not fully developed at birth, with some medicines in the intensive care unit, he is doing fine and screaming at the top of his lungs.

I noticed above, in my medical history, that every two years, I'm having surgery.  What's up with that?!


Sheryl E.
on 5/27/09 4:08 am
Hi, Blest!
I just rejoined OH, and saw your post. I hope by now you are recovered!
I had the DS in 2004, did great until last summer (like you!). I am now recovering from my third operation and sixth hospitalization since then. Internal hernia's bowel obstructions x4, incisional hernia most recently.
Don't get me wrong, I love my surgeon, and thank GOD for him. I would do it again in a heartbeat, just surprised it took 4 years to have problems surface.

Omaha, NE
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