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Angel J.
on 7/15/06 9:24 am - Troutdale, OR
Topic: RE: Sturgis:-)
You are gonna have so much FUN! I am jealous! ooohh!! I hear the motors of my brothers and sisters on 2 wheels rolling calling me!! Gots to scoot! C'ya! Angel J LOS (I know I dont ride a HD but I ride well and I ride far!)
on 7/14/06 10:09 pm - Rugby, ND
Topic: Sturgis:-)
Reminder ... Sturgis Rally is coming. We plan to be there the last four days.
on 7/14/06 10:03 pm - Rugby, ND
Topic: RE: HD National Rally
Harley And His Angel, Great story. You are truely blessed. If you are ever travelin through the flat lands of the Geographical Center of North America (Rugby, ND) stop in and say hi. A Harley, no rain or snow, a good woman, and a loving God can't get any better than this. Ride On Brother Zking
IdaMae D.
on 7/14/06 4:23 am - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: HD National Rally
Angel and I rode those highways' back in 2002....The road to the sun is another awesome ride in Montana....We spent 5 weeks on the road, riding from Philly to the Pacific, from Oregon to Canada, back to Montana (where Angel wanted to settle until we hit snow coming across the mountains in August), then into South Dakota for a few days and back to Philly. That was the deciding factor if we could be stuck on the Harley for 5 weeks together with no escaping each other, and still love each other at the end we'd get married. We were married Feb of 2004. She still says I gave her the fairy tale wedding she's always dreamed of....I know she's made all my dreams come true as well.... Keep the rubber side down, God Bless, Harley & Angel
IdaMae D.
on 7/14/06 4:18 am - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: Where are all the Harley Riders
Angel and I just got back Monday from 10 days on the road. Went to the midwest, rode up into Wisconson around the Lake Geniva area, back into Illinois, then up into Michigan to see Lake Huron, cross the state into Canada....ride the northern part of Canada for a couple days into Niagra falls, then down through New York to Rt 5, into the far north western corner of PA and back to Philly....This weekend riding up to Jim Thorpe to visit some friends and take Angel to the Miner's Museum (she loves history, could be the reason she's found this old biker and settled down with me) Everyone keep the rubber side down. God Bless, Harley & Angel
on 7/10/06 12:56 pm - Rugby, ND
Topic: HD National Rally
We went to the National HD Rally in Billings, Montana a couple of weeks ago. If your looking for one the best bike rides in the world - do the Beartooth Highway and the Chief Joseph Highway. Absolutely awesome!!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/06 10:43 pm - Tampa, FL
Topic: RE: Where are all the Harley Riders
Welcome, Howard. I did get out for a few hours this weekend. I had to show off my bike after I spent 3 hours washing, saxing, shining and conditioning it last weekend. There is nothing sadder than a bike just sitting in a garage, no matter how pretty it looks.
on 7/4/06 10:11 pm - Mclainsville, NC
Topic: An American Holiday
We welcome the 4th of July to celebrate our countries history and what better way then to take our Harley and cruise enjoying our country. Our cruise here in the triad area of NC( I akways think of the golden triangle in SE Asia when I hear that) maybe being a vietnam vet is the reason. was cut a little short thanks to Mother nature. Severe rain and thunder and lightning was the Lords way of saying my fireworks are a year round task and although you enjoy the countries celebration remember to celebrate me all year. I dont know why I've become more religious since moving here from NH, maybe its the beauty of this state that increases my feelings of the Lord and his creations. The only thing I will miss it a trip to watch the Boston Pops on the Esplanade celebrate the holiday. Hundreds of thousands of people enjoying the festive occasion topped off by the 1812 Overature with help from the N ational Guard Artillery cannons firing in tune with the music. Sends shivers down my spine, and the many american flags the people have. Well enough of my thoughts for today. Ride safe and enjoy your V-Twin Howard (aka) Moosekiller
Bonnie R.
on 7/4/06 1:15 am - Amarillo, TX
Topic: RE: Where are all the Harley Riders
Been out riding my new 2004 Sportster!!
on 6/30/06 11:04 am - Derby, NY
Topic: RE: Where are all the Harley Riders
hey now fellow bikers! I am failry new to the boards & just had RNY 2 weeks ago...thought I'd check this area out but seems like it's not to popular lately anyone around still? Hope to catch up with some of yas! ~ Heidi *Peachygirl* With the help of God & true friends, I come to realize I still had two strong legs & even wings to fly. And oh I, Ain't Wastin Time No More 'Cause time goes by like hurricanes & faster things. ~ The Allman Brothers Band
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