Worse fears came true!

Joyce J.
on 6/2/11 11:47 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hi Lori

Sorry you are not feeling well, and things seem bleak to you, but you will be fine. I know, easy to say hahaha.
Once you get over this hump(and you will) you will look back at this as just a setback in an awesome journey.
The 5 pounds is nothing, just weight from the surgery. I know it doesn't seem like nothing and is depressing when you think you should be losing.
Take care of yourself, listen to your body. Rest when you need to..
At this point don't do anything unless you have to. Move around a bit to prevent stiffness.

I think you have my number, call me if I can be of help
Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 6/3/11 12:16 am
lori - when i had a c-section i had many staples (def not 60 but i had them) and EVERYTHING was a challenge to do.  but when they came out it was a world of difference for me i could walk faster and get up/down the stairs a bit quicker - kept thinking, look at me go.  mind you i was still really slow but WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, my fingers are crossed for you you'll see a difference when they come out too.  just remember the little engine that could...the challenge going up the hill is tough but the ride down the hill is the best  = good decision.  

Jennifer D.
on 6/3/11 12:57 am
Hi Lori
I had open RNY as well but I was aware that that's what would happen prior to surgery so I was (somewhat) prepared for it. Looking back on that situation I would have done a few things differently. I didn't know at the time that my pain meds were making me lose sleep and feel nauseous. I slept in a recliner and that helped. If that ever happened again I would ask for Dilaudid for pain after being released from the hospital. I had that after my last surgery and it was just awesome.
       Take it easy even when you feel OK. I overdid it when I finally felt well enough to start functioning on my own - that wasn't until 2 weeks out. My mom took care of me til then. Stick to the surgeon's instructions on keeping your incision clean, that's really important. Redness, heat and swelling are a sign to see your surgeon. 
     Take your vitamins right away and get in water and protein. That will make you feel better and give you energy to heal. Hope it goes smoothly for you.
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
on 6/3/11 1:14 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Lori
Sorry to hear that it was necessary to switch from laproscopic to open surgery but just remember that your doctor had your safety in mind, first and foremost. Repairing the hernia means that you will not have to worry about having to undergo a second surgery later for that, so that's a real bonus! Would you really have wanted him to put your health second to your comfort? I had a complete hysterectomy a few years back as a result of malignant cancer cells on my ovaries and like you, I had a ton of big, ugly staples holding my incision together - definitely not pretty - I felt like a cardboard produce box!!! Yep, it hurt a lot but it was necessary. You have to have faith in your doctor. Believe me, you WILL feel better - it just takes a bit longer. When you start to see the pain fade away and see the pounds start dropping off, you will be happy that you did it. Here's hoping you start to feel better very soon, Lori!

Mary A.
on 6/3/11 1:16 am
HUGS..take full advantage of all the rest and help you can possibly get...

oh it's like any surgery...and there are ups and downs and unfortunatly you have a tougher few weeks ahead..they equate it to having a hysterectomy...

so just take your time..it WILL GET BETTER!!!

and take care of your incisions~!!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/11 2:59 am - Toronto, Canada
I have really nothing to contribute except to say [[[[[HUGS]]]]]  IT WILL GET BETTER.  Keep the faith.
lori havers
on 6/3/11 3:17 am - Canada
Thanks for the hugs...I hope it gets easier soon!
lori havers
on 6/3/11 3:43 am - Canada
Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback...It does give me the encouragement I need. Really trying to rest and ge****er in, but both seem to be a hard thing for me to do.
Patricia R.
on 6/3/11 12:06 pm - Canada
Sorry to hear you're feeling so badly!!!!   May I ask why it was that they couldn't do the surgery laparoscopically????
lori havers
on 6/3/11 11:05 pm - Canada
Not sure yet..will be seeing him this week to get staples out and ask that same question....I'm guessing because of my hernia?