Two year update & working on long term success - loooong

on 10/22/11 12:02 pm - Canada
 'childish' stuck with me as well, Lorraine;  I was seeing a shrink for awhile that thought 'childish' was preferable behaviour to being so-called adult regarding not being in touch with how we really feel...Your guy might be wrong, don't forget that...I'm really with you on the aspects of hunger and over-eating being not well-understood yet...brain chemicals as likely culprits.  Your shrink sounds as though he's been taught, [maybe by mother] that self-discipline is the key and can be attained by lecturing.  
I am still learning that not every 'dr.' is right, and so many have so many different ideas....Don't be too hard on yourself, or, in the words of a wise older friend:  "Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out of it alive, anyway"....

HW 268  SW 261  CW 166GW 170 
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on 10/22/11 1:20 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Actually in all the years I've seen him, he has never lectured me. One of the reasons I`ve stuck with him all these years is that he is all about processing emotions, being kind to yourself, and absolutely non-judgemental. He is an amazing therapist and a kind and generous person. This is someone who I have developed a deep sense of trust with and who knows me very well.

Maybe on the surface of it, his terminology sounds like lecturing but I don't think it was meant in that way. And after I thought about it, it really was an "lightbulb" moment for me. Whether you use the word or phrase childish, not being responsible, not self-caring, not making good choices, they are in some ways interchangeable. Two years ago if he had said it to me, I would have felt lectured at, but right now, a healthier me could handle it and accept it. And I'm okay with not being perfect about my food choices all the time, but when I started to see a pattern of eating that was getting out of control, basically he was saying that it is within my control do do something about it, that's what adults do, they take charge - if - and it is a big if - you are in a healthy enough place to do it.
 Lost before consult 50  between consult & surgery 33  since surgery 88
    HW 335  ConsultW 285   SW 252   CW 164  GW 167   Left to lose 0 (-3 below goal)

on 10/22/11 9:09 pm - Canada
 I do get that...all the best to you, Lorraine, and glad you've found someone you can trust...[that was me, wanting to challenge the authority...]

HW 268  SW 261  CW 166GW 170 
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on 10/22/11 10:08 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Nothing wrong with good healthy dialogue Marion, it was a good exercise in making me think through my understanding of it. You can be my devil's advocate anytime!!
 Lost before consult 50  between consult & surgery 33  since surgery 88
    HW 335  ConsultW 285   SW 252   CW 164  GW 167   Left to lose 0 (-3 below goal)

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