Things are moving alone

on 4/12/16 7:50 am - St. Catharines

Met with the RN yesterday.  Have booked appointment with the councillor and Dietitian.  Also have my ultra sound and blood work booked all for this week. Exciting.  If things all go good then I could be looking at August for surgery.  July is out I have a trip to Ireland that I not missing.  And to think that a couple weeks ago I was wondering about my referral!

on 4/12/16 8:10 am

How exciting!! August is just around the corner! Where are you having your surgery?


Referral October 2015, TWH Orientation December 7 2015, Nurse & Social Worker Feb 25 2016, Nutrition Class Apr 11 2016, Psychiatrist Apr 13 2016, Surgery Feb 14 2017, Surgery Postponed Jan 29 2017, Psychiatrist Oct 5 2017, Nurse Oct 25 2017, Meet the Surgeon Feb 2 2018, Revision Surgery Date April 10 2018

HW 336

on 4/12/16 8:53 am - St. Catharines

I will be having the surgery in Hamilton


on 4/12/16 8:55 am - St. Catharines

I will be having the surgery in Hamilton

on 4/12/16 9:26 am

wow August is super soon!! good luck

on 4/12/16 11:15 am

When was your orientation?

on 4/12/16 4:31 pm - St. Catharines

My orientation was the end of March

on 4/12/16 3:40 pm

Wow That is so quick!! That's fantastic!! I'm also going through Hamilton but only have had my orientation!! But what great news for you!


on 4/12/16 6:43 pm - Hamilton, On

I am goin to hamilton also i had my orientation march 2015 i did not have my first appt untill jan 2016 to see the RN i seen the social worker  feb2016 and dietitian in march2016 then seen the dietitian again in april2016 now i have my appt for the internal docter set for may 25 and hopefull if my iron is were i need it to be i could get a date to see the surguen and get a date set my process was long

on 4/13/16 7:16 am - St. Catharines

So you are now on your way also.  Why did it take so long for everything to start.  Are you going through the Wharton clinic or through st. Joes?
