Boston Area WLS Support Group

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Looking For Support

posted 7/19/11 11:43 am
My name is Tasha, and I had gastric bypass surgery on June 7, 2010. My highest weight was approximately 360 lbs a few months before surgery (wow...have never admitted that to anyone before!), and after 6 weeks I've lost about 50 lbs.

People keep asking me how I'm doing, and all I can say really is that I'm fine. I think they expect me to be ecstatic or something, but nope. Just ok.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very blessed to have transitioned well. I rarely get sick or nauseous, and I don't miss food that much. But I think I'm withholding judgement, so to speeak, until I see how successful this whole thing can be.

I have this secret fear that I will be one of those people who have the surgery and either it doesn't go well, or I eventually gain the weight back. And so I don't want to get my hopes up--am I the only one who's ever felt humdrum about this whole thing?

And then I spend lots of time looking at before and after pictures of people and wonder, will I be able to get to 'normal' sizes? Will I be free of all the crappy side effects in life that go along with being overweight (i.e. can I fit in this seat? can I find some clothes? Is that person judging me?)? It's almost enough to drive you batty! Fortunately my Doctor gave me some advice that I'll try to take to heart: don't look too far ahead--just focus on being the healthiest you you can be today.

And poof, the pressure was gone. For a little while, anyways--til I psych myself back out. But that's why I joined this place. So that when I need someone to 'talk me down' I'll have a place to turn to. A safe place, with people who understand what I'm going through.

So what are you looking for by joining this group? What's on your mind?

I'd love to hear from you :-)


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