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Gerd caused cancer after gastric bypass

posted 8/11/14 11:26 am

I have had acid reflux for years and had a roux-n-y in part as a solution to the problem.  However acid reflux continued.  Ten years after bypass surgery they found an adenoid carcinoma in my esophagus above the pouch.  They are unsure how deep it is and I am awaiting the pathology report following EMR surgery this morning.

surgical options are difficult because they can't simply pull the stomach up to create a new portion of esophagus.


are others experiencing this problem?  How are they resolving it?


i understand this is a slow growing cancer, and I am lucky in that it was caught earlier than most.  However I want others to know that taking malox or Prilosec might not be enough.  Be sure to discuss this with your surgeon.

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