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Saturday Morning Chit Chat

posted 12/3/10 10:28 pm
Saturday Schedule

Brkfst: Boil Egg White/Turkey Bacon 1 slice/Half Apple/Coffee

Beauty Salon
Snack Other half of apple/*oz. Crystal Light

Go to mall pick up few presents/Get car Wash?pick up Laundry

Lunch Chief Salad (w) with chicken/6 unsalted crackers/8oz peach tea

Go to the Gym for workout (drink 80z of H2O)

Snack eat a  cup of strawberries8oz.H2O

Dinner  Salmon Pattie/ broccoli/ cucumber/tomatoe/onion salad  (w) balsamic vingear/Raspberry lemonade
Wrap gifts and put under the tree
Snack plum/8oz H20

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