Wasting Away in San Diego


30 Weeks Pregnant and Going Strong
August 21, 2009 10:22 am
Hey all,

I'm sorry for the delay in meetings, but  we're expecting Jake in October.  Hopefully he'll hang out until then, but because of Gastric By-Pass surgery I am high risk and not traveling in the last 3 months of the pregnancy.  I'll keep you posted on my progress and hope to see you soon.

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Pregnant at last!!!
April 28, 2009 8:02 am
Hi all!

You have been joining this group one by one and we haven't formally met.  There is a reason...a very good reason!  Only 1 1/2 years after surgery I met the man of my dreams, became engaged and married him with a dream wedding, remodeled his home and moved to Riverside, and only 9 days after the wedding began fertility treatment.  At 47, and 3 attempts I am now in my 14 week of pregnancy and all looks great!

So, if anyone wants to know, "is the surgery worth it", my answer is absolutely.  I have the life I have been waiting all my life to have.

So, how are you?  Where are you in your process?  This group was begun with the original team of 7 women that went through the Kaiser Positive Choice gastric surgery program - a six month therapy/educational course.  We all went through Pacific Bariatric and had surgery within about a 9 month span.  At the wedding we took a group picture after having lost hundreds of combined pounds.  So, we are all post op.

Let me know what stage you are in.  Before the fertility process and surgery I  visited San Diego multiple times a week.  I intend to begin my weekly visits to friends and again start having monthly meetings (the last one was in January - pre embryo transfer).

I look forward to chatting with you and getting to know you.  I am trying to find a date in May that we can get together in San Diego.


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