slspiek1215 21 years, 6 months ago

Although Stacy is not one of my angels, I met her at the local support group and have been trying to help her with her approval for surgery. She found out today that her surgeon, Dr. Udobi in Kansas City, is cancelling all consultations with patients that have Aetna Insurance. She has waited 4 months for this consult and is very depressed. Apparently, he has not been able to get Aetna to approve any surgeries lately so he will not deal with any Aetna patients. Are any of you out there in the same boat as Stacy? Do any of you have any advice for her? I have given her other surgeons to try to call for a consult but she is just so discouraged. Can anyone out there lend me a hand in helping Stacy.......please? I am running out of ideas for her. Thanks so much.
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Kansas City, MO
Jan 04, 2002
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