Donna S. 22 years ago

Geri, Have you spoken with a doctor yet? They can best answer the questions about the vitamins and protein drinks. Each doctor is different so it is hard to answer those questions. As for food, that also changes. Soem people tolerate different foods and some people's changes completely from what they used to like. Some doctors start you off on baby food others, like mine, started me off on saltine crackers, clear liquids and sugar free popsicles, and then I worked up oatmeal, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and apple sauce. I am now eating, cheese crackers, peanut butter and chicken and tuna, pinto beans and in 2 more weeks, I can add salad and fruits and vegetables. I eat the canned chicken and tuna with fat free mayonnaise.No bread, no milk and no red meats. I used to didn't like fat free mayo, now I tolerate it. I don't like the splenda ( sugar substitute) that was recommended but I find I like sweet n low. My doctor also recommended beef jerky, which I have never liked. I can't get up the courage to try it since I couldn't even tolerate the smell of it before the surgery. So each doctor is different. Find a surgeon in your area and go talk with him. This is a great web site for information and support, but they can't answer all questions. Just get a surgeon and write down all your questions and when you go see him, ask until your satisfied. Your not committed to the surgery just because you talk with a surgeon. Put your fears away and ask! Good luck.
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Franklin, WI
Apr 25, 2002
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