Susan A. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Sibia, We did it! We're both on the other side now. Glad to hear things are going well for you. Let us know how you're doing when you're up to it. God Bless:}

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia looks fantastic!!! She is getting up well on her own and feels good. She checked out today early afternoon and headed home. Outside of minor discomfort she feels pretty good. They gave her regular jello and she did have a mild case of dumping but was not to bad. Sugar free showed up for lunch. Congrats my new friend, your one step closer. Love and hugs your angel. XOXOXO

RDSunshyne 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia...HANG in there SWEETIE! I too had trouble with pain meds (HATED Morphine), but it does get better I PROMISE!) Welcome to the OTHER side. I am sooo excited for you! Weigh to GO! Congratulations! Rhonda :o)

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia looks great today. She is bright and alert. She is having some trouble with the pain meds. She's very sensitive to most and was not feeling well from the morphine so they switched her to another. She has been up and walking. She has 4 nieghbors at Alvarado whom all had surgery Monday with Dr. Wittgrove. I stopped in and checked on all of them and everyone looks great. She has some discomfort but is mainly sleeping. Thanks again for all your encouragement.

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia is doing well. She looks good. She said she feels nauseas but is so sleepy that its not too much of a problem. She didn't sleep much last night. She had to be at the hospital very early and was worried she'd over sleep and miss it.

Caryn B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia, I hope today went well and you are on the other side! Take care and happy healthy healing to you! I have been denied once and am waiting to see how my appeal goes. I hope tobe able to have a surgey date soon also!

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia is recovering nicely from her surgery. She looks well. I saw her this AM as they wheeled her from recovery to her room. She was very groggy and said she was sore. I will be seeing her about 6pm tonight and will post further. Thanks for all your kind words. I know she appreciates it. Crystal

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia went in to surgery at 6:15 this AM. I will be checking on her about 10 or so and will post her recovery. Thanks for all the kind words.

ellton 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Sibia. You're in my thoughts today. Good luck to you. Tonya

Jackie L. 23 years, 3 months ago

Sibia, Good luck to you. This is the begining of your new life! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will do fine and will enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest!
About Me
san diego, ca
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2000
Member Since
