kylakae 21 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Robin! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Laura B. 23 years ago

Dear Robin, Happy to hear you are doing good!!! We made it. Let me know how it went when you feel up to it. Laura

WIBlueyes 23 years ago

Hey talked with Robin this morning. She's doing well :) Sore but she made it through her surgery with flying colors:) YIPPEEEE ROBIN IS SAFELY ON THE OTHER SIDE :) I KNEW YOU'D BE JUST FINE ;)

glenda B. 23 years ago

hi robin GOd be with you on your surg and your recovery. He is a great and awesome God he'll be with you along your way. Glenda berry

Dana J. 23 years ago

Robin may the good Lord be with you.

WIBlueyes 23 years ago

Hey everyone tomorrow Robin will have her surgery...Please stop by her surgery page and wish her well :0) I'm not excatly her angel but since she doesn't have one I'm stepping in and taking over :0) THANKS....God Bless all you

Mandy M. 23 years ago

Hi Robin, not long now until we are on the other side. God Bless you, have a wonderful recovery. I am so excited for all of us to have this opportunity to change our lives. Mandy

vli1127 23 years ago

Robin, I will be thinking about you on the 12th. I am having RNY 6-29 with Dr. Coster. Please join us on at OSSG-Iowa-Nebraska if you haven't already. Maybe I will see you at Adventureland July 21. Vicki

Bonnie R. 23 years ago

Robin I wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and I pray for a healthy and happy new life. I hope you will have a peace for the next few days.we will have a new B-day on the 12th. God Bless Bonnie

Barbara B. 23 years ago

Robin...Our journey is almost ready to begin. It won't be long now. As soon as either of us feels like posting again we'll compare notes. See ya on the other side (SOON!)
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2001
Member Since
