AngelNTx65 22 years, 9 months ago

Lyn~I'm sorry to hear about your surgery being cancelled.Please know that things happen for a reason and God has other plans for you.Just trust in Him to lead you there.You will definately be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless~Kim

Susan S. 22 years, 9 months ago

Lynn,Was saddened to see of your unfortunate situation, but it is a blessing you had tried for the surgery so they could find this out as early as possible. I agree with the other postings, they should be a way in the future when the time is right, and God will watch over you. Keep the faith, strong woman!! Hugs,

artistmama 22 years, 10 months ago

Lyn, Please don't be discouraged. God has a plan for you. He wants to bless you. We don't always understand his timing or his reasons, but I know God wants you healed. I'm praying for you. Please get a second opinion. Perhaps you can still have something done such as the duodenal switch.

Donna P. 22 years, 10 months ago

Lyn, I am so sorry. Please keep updating so we know how you are doing. Hugs, Donna

issis 22 years, 10 months ago

Lyn, I am so sorry to hear your news. Please get another medical opinon about your liver enzymes before all is lost. My prayers are with you and my the Good Lord comfort you at this time. Irene

blank first name B. 22 years, 10 months ago

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm home from hospital. Unfortunately, Dr.Lane was not able to proceed with surgery after checking out my liver. In preop my enzymes were some what high indicating that there may be a problem, but no other tests confirmed this so he told me that he would have to see what he found when he got inside.I was optimistic because he says he only sees a couple cases a year where he has to cancel. I thought my chances were pretty good. Needless to say I'm pretty devastated. It turns out that I have cirrhosis which negates the possibility of ever having the roux en y. Their not sure what caused it, hopefully the biopsy will tell. I'm not a drinker and don't have hepatiis.The only thing I have ever been told is that I have a fatty liver,which dr. said is a possible factor. He did say that there may be other possibilities in the future once other proceddures are approved. I guess it just wasn't time for me yet. Lyn

Vickie C. 22 years, 10 months ago

Lyn, My thoughts are with you today. Good luck to you. Although you probably won't need it because BTC is great! You are in good hands. Hope you have a speedy recovery. A WLS friend,

lizy52 22 years, 10 months ago

Good luck to you Lyn, I am also 47 years old and will be having my surgery at Ypsi. I think from here on out, Friday the "thirteenths" will always be lucky for you. I wish you a Happy Re-birthday and would love to hear from you when you are up to e-mailing. Hope your the fastest in the hall races!!! God Bless You

Susan S. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Lynn, I wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers Friday. I know it will be an especially lucky day for you..and that God will be watching over you. BTC will take very good care of you...just remember to walk as often as you can stand and you will do wonderfully. Remember, the first 6 weeks are the most challenging, but if I could do it, so can you..I had my surgery on Valentine's Day and it was the best gift I could have ever given far I've lost 74 pounds! Hugs, Susan
About Me
Ferndale, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2000
Member Since
