Valerie B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hopefully the worst is over for you girl. You have sure been put to the test! And you passed with flying colors. I know you will do well with your weight loss. Welcome to the losing side. We're happy to have you join us! god bless.

* Leilani * 21 years, 11 months ago

Hello Duchess - it was so nice to "see" your silly 'wunnerful self again. My lord, it sounds like you've been to, um...well, you know where and back, and you STILL managed to keep that great sense of humor about you! I'm a firm believe that HUMOR goes a long way in the healing and recovery stages. I look forward to reading all your exciting details and changes as the pounds melt away, and a healthier YOU emerges. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this wonderful and fantastic journey....Big ol' hugs and Aloha, Lei "The key to happiness is dreams, the key to success is making those dreams come true"

Vicki R. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Duchess, Gosh they sure did put you through the mill!!! Im so glad that you are doing well and recovering from the whole ordeal and still have a very huge sense of humor! HeHe! I wish you the best! Vicki

qkarinb 22 years ago

Duchess, Im glad things went well with your surgery. I hope you're healing nicely. You're in my thoughts. "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything." - Arabian Proverb

Sandy P. 22 years ago

*****ANGEL CRASH LANDING***** Went to visit Duchess in the hospital yesterday and she looked FABULOUS!!!!!! All went well with the surgery, was in ICU for 24 hours then into a private room -lucky Duchess! She is handling her new foods well, all IV's and tubes are removed and is ready to head home today. The incision looks great and Duchess's spirits were high. I will let Duchess fill you in on the surgery specifics. CONGRATULATIONS DUCHESS - YOU ARE A FELLOW LOSER!! Best of luck with your first days at home and please let me know if you need anything. Your angel, Sandy

Tami C. 22 years ago

I hope you have a speedy recovery and all goes really well with you. I will look foward to reading all about your new journey on the losing side.

Sandy P. 22 years ago

*****MINI-ANGEL UPDATE***** JUST HEARD FROM DUCHESS'S HUBBY AND DUCHESS CAME THROUGH THE SURGERY WITH FLYING COLORS!!!!! WOOOOO HOOOO, WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! Surgery was from 8 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and Duchess will be in the ICU for 24 hours. I will contact Duchess tomorrow for additional information and hopefully visit her on Monday evening. WAY TO GO, DUCHESS!!!!

Dispatcher M. 22 years ago

GOOD MORNING DUCHESS !!! I hope and pray that you have a successful surgery and recovery; May the angels guide your surgeon's hands today and watch over you and your family. Best wishes and welcome to the "losing side".....Marilyn

blessednblu 22 years ago

My prayers are with you Duchess. Congratulations on the last leg of your journey to the luzing side. I pray that you have a smooth surgery with no complications and a speedy recovery!! Kuri, the true blue luzer!!

Sandy P. 22 years ago

*****ANGEL COMING IN FOR A LANDING***** TODAY IS DUCHESS'S SURGERY DAY! She needs your support - please fill her surgery page with your best wishes!!!! I will update this evening. Thank you fellow losers!
About Me
Chester County, PA
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2002
Member Since
