msschambers 21 years, 3 months ago

I read your post about keeping RELIGION out of THIS..quite frankly i think you are confusing Christianity with Religion; there is a difference..... Christians are not ashamed to praise God in any forum, because no matter what w e do, say or how we behave, Jesus does not forsake us. Lets see how much Prayer you ask for and how much crying out to the God almighty, the night before your surgery, or if you have unforseen complications. To know Him is to love him, and when you love someone, you can't stop talking about them. For Christians he is apart of everything we do. Therefore if some toes get stepped on but God is glorified then its all worth it. You are concerned about getting to the other side, try getting concerned about the RIGHT SIDE. You can't Censor GOd.......just my 2 cents
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San Francisco, ca
Jul 30, 1999
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