Lady C. 24 years, 4 months ago

Michelle, I am sure glad that you are home. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Welcome!!!!! Love always,

Stacie H. 24 years, 4 months ago

Congatulations michelle! I'm glad you are home and doing fine. I will keep you in my thoughts.

M B. 24 years, 4 months ago

I just talked to Michelle, who got home despite a snowstorm! She is feeling better and is glad to be home. Hopefully, she will be back in the chat room soon!

M B. 24 years, 4 months ago

Great news! I just talked to Michelle and the reason they sent her to another hospital was they were concerned she might have had a clot in her lung and the other hospital had the machine that can check that (don't ask me what machine that is- maybe an MRI- I don't know). Anyway, it was negative- no clot! I am thankful that the BTC staff was on the ball to check out her low blood gas just to make sure. The best news it looks like all is set for Michelle to go home tomorrow, if the snow lets up! Keep the prayers up, they are working as per God's will.

M B. 24 years, 4 months ago

I just went to see Michelle, but she was gone! The nurse said she was going to another hospital for tests ONLY- she was not being transferred at all and she would be back in a couple of hours. WIll call her tonight.

M B. 24 years, 4 months ago

I talked to Michelle about 7:30 PM tonight and she is a little wooried due to the fact she is running a slight fever. She has asked for prayer concerning this, so all of you who are led to pray, please do. She has been up and walking, and has increased her breathing exercises as that is what the nurses have told her will help her get rid of the fever. She also has trouble sleeping, so throw a prayer or two in for some restful sleep for her as that would help her healing alot! Thanks! I plan on visiting her tomorrow.

M B. 24 years, 4 months ago

I talked to the nurse at the BTC last night around 9 PM and Michelle had been up and walking. She said Michelle was doing as well as can be expected for it being the first night.

Jennifer C. 24 years, 4 months ago

Almost time, you will begin your new life soon. I wish you the best of luck, and a speedy healing. I look forward to seeing you in chat to tell me all about it.

Darla N. 24 years, 4 months ago

Well hon, the day is almost here!! TOMORROW.....And you'll be just fine!! my thoughts and prays shall be on you! God Bless and keep you safe

Amanda T. 24 years, 4 months ago

Michelle can you believe it, we just met recently and now we are having surgery at almost the same time. We will be at BTC to support each other through this transformation to our new life. I can't wait to get there and see you. We have certainly bonded in such a short period of time. See you on the other side. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love and hugs to you. Amanda Traywick 2/17/2000
About Me
Springfield, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 1999
Member Since
