blank first name B. 22 years, 10 months ago

Wishing you good luck and warm fuzzies next week. I think it will be a wonderful life changing event! God bless you.

patrioticwife 23 years, 10 months ago

On my home from work I decided to stop and see how Genevieve came through her surgery and just want everyone to know she looks great she was very alert she has only seen me once and new me they was going to make her set up at 4:00pm and she wasnt looking forward to that and she thought she would try to make a deal with the nurse..she told the nurse she would try to sit up if she could have some icechips...LOL...and the nurse just look at her...heh heh....I think she will be up and walking tomorrow so keep her in your prayers...she did tell me one that...she said it hurts....but I already new that...Well I guess thats about it....

jeannie O. 23 years, 10 months ago

hi Genevieve, LOVE!! your name, praying for a safe & speedy recovery for you hug,

Cyndee K. 23 years, 10 months ago

Only 2 more days!!!! I wish you the best of luck and a very smooth recovery. Let us know how u are doing. I'm so excited for you girl!!!!

Fran S. 23 years, 10 months ago

Good luck with your surgery on Tuesday. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a healthy new life.

patrioticwife 23 years, 10 months ago

Well Genevieve only 5 more days to go girl, I wish you all the best and cant wait to see how things go for you, know that you are in my prayers and I hope you have a fast recovery and healing with no pain....Take care girl I will see you for sure on the 26th for that is my day...Keep me in your prayers also...God Bless
About Me
Norman, OK
Jan 23, 2000
Member Since
