MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Update. I spoke to Suzy yesterday and she will be returning home on Monday afternoon 7/8. Suzy is doing fine with regard to the RNY surgery, but was feeling a lot of pain from her hip which she will be having future surgery on. The surgeon. took her off her usual medication and kinda left her hanging. She was in severe pain and having a hard time getting her food items and getting packed up to leave. It seems that my experience has been that surgeons sometimes get you off your meds but don't follow up to make sure you are properly back on board. This can present a major problem. Furthermore, it can be very difficult when you are traveling or live alone to get the food items you need i.e. the juices, shakes, etc., to get your meals in. It seems like after surgery it is enough to have to get yourself together than to have to go out and get the food items etc. I say to people who have supportive families, partners, spouses who will do the shopping and help you out post surgery...count your blessings. I am looking forward to Suzy returning home so she can get back with her regular Dr and ease some of that hip pain, and so she can be close to her friends who support and love her. In any case, she has successfully crossed over into her new life, is doing well, tolerating her liquid diet well and looking forward to all the new changes that await her. Let us continue to pray for her continued healing, recovery and overall process. Peace

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Update. I spoke to Suzy both yesterday evening and this morning. She is still doing great. She is on clear liquids as much as she can tolerate and will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow returning to her hotel. She is in great spirits and looking forward to returning home soon. Her Dr advised her that she will get to return home a day early so she is very happy about that! Suzy will be staying at the Somersett Suite July 5 through July 8. Let's continue to pray for her speedy, complication free recovery and transition into her new post op life. Peace-

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Update. I spoke to Suzy yesterday 7/2 both in the late afternoon and in the evening. She sounded great and is feeling very good. She says her killer headache is gone and the affects of the anesthesia are slowly moving on out of her system. Suzy was pleased to see her surgeon Dr Zorn upon awakening from the anesthesia in recovery. She said Dr Zorn was very pleased with how the surgery went. He told her everything went just beautifully! Suzy has also been treated extremely well by the nursing staff and everyone taking care of her at Mercy Scripts Hospital. She says they have been extremely accommodating and kind. She did have one rude run in with a nurse, but many staff members apologized for this nurses bad behavior and let her know that the hospital was aware of the bad behavior and was trying to get rid of her. Many people from the list have been extremely kind to call and pay visits, so that is helping her tremendously since she was traveling alone for the surgery. Suzy says at this point she is pleased and has no regrets about choosing to do the surgery. She says she is a tad bit hungry (especially when she sees pictures of food) , and is looking forward to maybe having her chicken broth and Jell-O today. She has not gone for her leak test yet, but I think today might be the day. I plan to check in with her later this afternoon and will give you another update. Until then, let's continue our prayers and well wishes for a speedy and complication free recover for Suzy. Peace, Traci RNY May 31, 2002

charanewme 21 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations you are starting a new chapter in your life to a healthier and thinner you. You are on my thoughts and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery. Charlene

Carmen K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Suzy........You hang in there cause yhe hard part is over. Just take your time recovering and remember it's not a race and you don't win any points for rushing back to work. Listen to your body and take it easy. Start imagining how fabulous you'll look and feel this time next summer. Take care and God bless! :)

Ginnie P. 21 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to the other side! Each day will get better and better. Peace be with you. Ginnie Piechocniski

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Request: Please sign Suzy's surgery page, if you care to. I am going to fax here card to here at the hospital sometime tommorow afternoon. Thanks, Traci RNY May 31, 2002

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Update. Suzy Zeigler has successfully crossed over into her new life. She had surgery at Mercy Scripts, Pacific Bariatrics Hospital today at around 11:00 am. She did very well with no complications. Suzy was very concerned about getting the surgery done Lap. She really wanted LAP, and I am happy to say she got it! I called her a 6 PM and she was "drunk" with anesthesia doing crazy talk, but was very present enough to tell me "Trace I am on the other side!" She sounded good just sleepy." Suzy traveled to San Diego alone, so if you are in the area and would like to stop by she is in Room 712 bed 1, or if you are so inclined, she can be reached by telephone 619-294-8111 room 712 bed 1, Suzy Zeigler. I am sure she will be happy to hear from anyone who cares to make a support call. Well, that is all for now. I am going to call her in a few minutes to check in and will update you soon. Let's continue to pray for Suzy that she has a smooth, complication free and expedient recovery. Love, Light and Blessing to Suzy! Peace, Traci RNY May 31, 2002

Desiree R. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Suzy, I pray your surgery go well, and recovery go well. After having just lost my friend this past weekend, to the same surgery; I am scared for people having it, and wanted to wish you well. God bless and keep you in His care.

klynn90 21 years, 11 months ago

Suzy, I pray that your surgery went well today. May God watch over you and may you have a speedy recovery.
About Me
Petaluma, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2001
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