its about me

Nov 01, 2010

i'm a mother of 6 awesome kidds, christopher 27, cody 25, chelsea 23, eric 21, victoria 19, amanda 15... i raise a grandchild as my own and shes awesome! aubre 4yrs, she's my life i love waking up to her, and she crawls in bed with me, these kids are what god said, and made as family.... im dawn 45yrs, old... i keep busy, use to be a pre-school teacher, then when my weight came on more i use to be a bouncer and bartender, and then i use to do home health care, and out of all 3 i miss doing the home health care working job,, i love ppl, i just dont like me, being large, and it has effected my life, i even see me shying away from aubre, when it comes to playing in leaves and sandbox, and riding her bike.. i miss being me... but hopefully i can get that all back with dr. lalor in wood county weightloss center in bowling green.

