de 21 years ago

hi Valerie, WOW!!! What an incredible journey you have had!! You must be one happy lady to have gone through all of this and stayed so up beat! I am happy for you that things have turned out so great for you. God Bless and SMILE!!..De..... :)

kylakae 21 years, 6 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="162" height="188"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#006600">Happy re-Birthday, Valerie! Today marks the anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on all your triumphs (especially your little bundle of joy!)! I hope that you continue to be blessed by this surgery and that you are feeling great. May this next year be your best ever!!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

piperkc 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi all Well, Valerie has seen Dr's Joffe and Yau, and is being transfered to Scarborough Grace hospital sometime today. I do not know what time but I will post her room number and phone number as soon as I know. The Doctors came to Valerie in Scarborough General and sat and talked with her for about a half an hour. So different from the uncaring, downright rude, treatment she received from Dr Ayers. They told her what they thought should be done, and wrote it in her charts, and even came back into her room to say good bye when they left. Valerie spoke to the "patient advocate" about 10 minutes after Drs Joffe and Yau left, and she spilled her guts. She told this woman everything that had been happening to her, how Dr Ayers had been treating her, how she was feeling emotionally, tears streaming down her face as she did it. Well it turns out that this lady, who was very caring and wonderful to Valerie, was not the patient advocate, she was the CHIEF OF SURGERY!!! Ayers was in Val's room about 20 minutes later. He is in deep doggie doo doo aparently hehehehehehe. The chief of surgery was in again this morning and she is the one who is arrainging for Val's transfer. Valerie is still very weak and will be getting a G-Tube today so that she can start to GAIN weight (she needs to gain 20-30 lbs according to Drs Joffe and Yau). Once she is stable, starting to gain weight, and able to keep food down, she will be alowed to come home. She is finding that she cannot keep down soft foods (mashed potatoes etc) but she can keep down crispy things (crackers etc). So they will be experimenting with what she is eating, until they find what she can tollerate best. Finally a course of action. I have passed all your notes and comments along to Val, and it has made her feel good, that all the people she knows and total strangers care what happens to her. I took her children up to see her yesterday and that lifted her spirits greatly. I didn't tell her we were coming, so she was sleeping when we got there. Michaela (her 4 year old) went up to the bed and called her. She thought to herself "Oh that little girl sounds like my Michaela". She was really only half asleep, and then she opened her eyes. It was like watching the sun come out from behind the clouds. Her face lit up and she smiled from ear to ear as she Watched Rachel (her 14 year old) come in carrying Alex (the baby). It was wonderful to see. Her oldest son, Ronnie (17) had called her about an hour before, so she talked to all her children yesterday. As we were leaving, I opened the car window to say good bye and she said "You made my week" Her smiles made it a great day. Angela in Canada 406lbs BMI 63.6 -73lbs Dr Michael Grace Open RNY Life began May 16, 2002 I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely..I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

Moma V. 21 years, 7 months ago

Valerie I am praying for you and for God to wrap his healing arms around you and make you better. ~~prayers~~

Valarie M. 21 years, 7 months ago

I just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. My name is Valarie and my big sister's name is Angela, too. I wish you peace and healing.

Lisa N. 21 years, 7 months ago

Valerie, you and your family are in my prayers.

Deanna_K 21 years, 7 months ago

Valerie...Don't you take that guff from that "DOCTOR" of yours he's there for you...He can be replaced, remind him of that!!!!KEEP YOUR CHIN UP and take lots of those sisterly hugs from us via Angela. Your both in my thoughts

ozzette 21 years, 7 months ago

You and your family are in my prayers. I am so sorry that you are having complications, but please try your best to think positive, and concemtrate on getting well.

Calandra B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Valerie - you and Angela are both in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you begin to feel better soon.

piperkc 21 years, 7 months ago

My sister, Valerie, is still suffering in Scarborough General Hospital. She is still in a great deal of pain and still has trouble keeping anything down. Dr Ayers has not contacted any other doctor. I know that several have tried to contact him with regards to Valerie's condition but he will not return their calls. Anyway, today, she insisted that he get her a second opinion from Dr Yau or Dr Joffe. Dr Joffe will be coming to see her. Dr Ayers is not helping her at all. In fact, his attitude is hindering her in many ways. She has asked him for a councelor, which could easily be provided, but he has not bothered to contact one for her. Her veins are shot from the TPN and she has begged for a central line, he says he can't do it till tomorow or the day after. You should see her arms. They are black and blue from wrist to elbow. The last time they changed the TPN line it only lasted 8 hours!!! Some how we have to get her out from under his "care". He is slowly letting her die. She has been in Hospital for two weeks now and she is getting worse not better. We are very scared! Angela
About Me
Oshawa, ON
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2001
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1 month post op - 40 lbs
16 months post op, 7.5 months post partum, -170 lbs (from highest weigh) with Oscar!!!!

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6 years post op today
