Had some wonderful thoughts:

Mar 08, 2009

Next time I see many of those that love me they will see a much smaller me; my brother john and his wife and my dad, family & friends in CA.

When summer comes and it is time to wear shorts mine will be smaller.

All my cute winter sweaters will be large on me by christmas.

I will probably need a new winter coat.

A half a banana will be a treat.

I will be able to shop in regular stores before the year is over.

Those were my wonderful thoughts.
I am getting so excited. I have some concerns, but I think I would have to be dead if I did not.
I would like to have my feet go back to my adult size, not my plus size. 

I will be posting on the boards the question what do I need at the hospital beside comfortable clothes and chapstik?

Hubby is getting excited for me too. 

I have not decided IF I want to write letters to the ones I love incase... It seems so morbid. But, on the other hand it seems like a good idea in case something happens to me. Will journal if I do.

So, those are my thoughts for today.


