tomorrow's the big day

Mar 29, 2009

Well, it never seemed like it would get here and here we are waiting for tomorrow. I am doing laundry and hanging out at home. Mom is playing on the DS we got for her. Hunter and Maddi are playing in the living room and occasionally irritating Steve as he watchs L'ville Cards in the tourney.
I really expected to be more nervous and anxious, but I am pretty mellow and relaxed. I thought I would be much more crazed. 
Yesterday is better than today for the clear liquids- no carb clear liquid it annoying.  I found a see thru-able drinkk but not sure it would have counted as it was a protien drink. OH, well. I will make it and I have enjoyed making home made chili and cornbread for dinner last night and this am it was blueberry muffins and eggs. I have had a lasrge quantity of chicken both. I even drank black coffee sweeten with splenda. Tonights dinner is meatloaf and mashed potatoes with green beans. But, not for me. I am not going to share no matter how much they beg, not even with my son....I will not be sharing my oh, so delicious chicken broth or jello. So, they better not even ask.
Still need to figure out if I am going to tell Daddy. I want to do it, but I don't want any problems.  Mom said you know you do not have to there is nothing saying to do so.  That is a thought. My Dad has an in law unit at my brothers so I should call them. OH, hell. I don't know.
I got a call from my friend from work, Jenny she just wanted to wish me well. I think she is very sweet. She said she would be thinking of me and wanted Steven to call her. So, I need to make a list of people for him to call. He will just love doing that. huh?
I think I have everything I need, but I have not packed. I want to pack my bag, but first I have to decided what clothes I will need there. I think I am going to bring a couple of different options. I know I need comfy pj's, my robe, and slippers.  I will also need to have my clothes for the go home. I will bring my soft pants- exercise pants and a loose t with a sweat jacket I have and love.   I will have a quite a bit of support.
OH, I am not looking forward to bowel prep. I have not eaten a great deal over the last week. It was rough Monday- Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thursday I ate only protien no real carbs. And, I have been on no carbs since. I have lost like 8 pound so, maybe more. I will be fine with my broth dinner, but I will not be thrilled with my bowel prep.  I imagine that the Mag-cit is going to be foul and not any fun at all!
I have recieved a ton of support from the ladies on the Ky board and I am very thankful for that. I think that Steve will post for me shortly after I get to recovery.
Well, I should hop off and make some coffee for Mary and Al coming over soon to visit with me and Mom.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of my life. I think I am ready for this journey. I do expect that somewhere along the way I will have some curve balls, but that is to be expected.  That being said: here is to a new me, a new day and getting healthy!!!
thanks for listening

