Getting It Done

Sep 08, 2010

It just occurred to me last night that surgery could very well only be 3 1/2 months away! May seem like a long time to some, but not to me. I should know my date before Christmas!

I've been doing so much better food wise. I was concerned because, this time of year, I work 6 days a week (12+hour days). Normally I resort to fast food for dinner (everyday) and eating junk & sugar just to keep my energy up. So far that hasn't been the case at all. Don't get me wrong, between working a gazillion hours, housework, kids, football practice & games (my 14 yr old son), chorus practice & recitals (my 10 yr old daughter), homework etc....I am absolutely exhausted. I feel great though. The weight is creeping off. I was so happy to be able to call my Dr's weight track line and let them know I within 4 pounds of surgical goal! I still can't schedule my final psych until November because of work, but at least they know I am still completely on track.

This weekend, on my one day off, I am going to to go major grocery shopping. I'm going to revamp not only my diet, but my kids also. I'm pretty sure I'm going back to protein shakes for breakfast. It was simple to prepare, I was losing like crazy and I actually wasn't hungry until lunchtime.

I'm getting really excited about surgery again. Just to not be stuck in size 26 jeans anymore!!! Being able to shop in normal stores is going to be awesome too. I know its going to be hard, but I am beyond ready for the change. goal for this week is to start walking while at work. Even if its just 15 minutes to start. Sitting on my butt (desk job) for 12 hours a day couldn't be helping anything. I'll figure something out.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2010
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