
Sep 18, 2010

I know that alot of people will agree with me when I say that taking pics right now (pre-op) is the worst!! It is something that I dread and avoid at all costs. Maybe that's wrong of me because, Lord knows, I was completely delusional for the longest time about how big I truly was! Anyway, here is my story: 

Last week I won a prize at work. It involved spinning a big wheel and having your picture taken. The thought made me sick to my stomach all day! Anyway, I posed for one pic thinking, how bad could it be?? The answer is the WORST! Normally they take these pics, make a cute little flier and post it on the break room bulletin board. At least no one would see it right?? WRONG. After several people came in yesterday morning, congratulating me on my win, I decided to venture to the break room and see my little picture. So, first, I head to bulletin board #1....nothing. Bulletin board #2....nothing. Whats up?? I see movement in the corner of my eye. So i turn to look at the massive tv mounted on the wall. A collage of current events is playing over and over again. Low a behold, there are my damn pics. Not just the one I posed for, but another that I didn't know she took. OMG.......That stupid thing plays 24/7 for all to see. I'm sure plenty got their laughs. I know I'm big, but to see it on display made me sick to my stomach. It pretty much ruined my day. On a good note though, I'm saving those pics to my computer as before pics! Thank goodness I'm getting this surgery or I'd feel a thousand times worse!

Where am I with that anyway? I'm about 70% on track. its been really hard because I'm still working 6 days a week/10-13hrs a day. I'm always exhausted! Always on the run so my food choices aren't the greatest all the time. Diet soda is again my best friend (after I had pretty much quit). Next week I'm going to really buckle down. Start the protein shakes for breakfast AGAIN. Start writing everything down AGAIN. Start my vitamins AGAIN. Start walking and doing Wii fit AGAIN. I really miss doing my Just Dance for Wii....I will have to start back on that too! I honestly think all of the above would help with my stress and fatigue levels. I just have to commit to doing it and stop just talking about it!

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May 04, 2010
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