
Dec 10, 2010

I really hate this waiting business. If I had previous/current health issues I could understand why it takes a little while for the surgeon to look over and approve my file but I don't. Nothing. Everything so far has gone great. I even got rave reviews from both the NUT and psychs. I guess I should be relieved he is so thorough but...UGH....!!! I was really hoping, wishing and praying I'd have my date soon. The earlier the date in January, the more likely I won't have to come back between Christmas break (we shut down here Dec.20-Jan.3) and surgery. Ok so it has only been 5 days. People have been telling me all along that, once I hit goal, I need to call the scheduler (Nancy) every couple of days. Well after yesterday, I decided I'm not going to do that. I called her yesterday, left a message and then forgot about it. Later in the day my cell rang showing her #. For a brief moment I thought, "This is it! I'm getting my date." Well...No. She just called to tell me that I didn't need to keep calling in and that it could take a few weeks to hear anything. She gave me a whole huge explanation of how things work but I stopped listening. I was already having a bad day so at this point I just felt completely stupid. I had a little pity party and I went home and stuffed my face. Smart right?! Hell no! I feel somewhat better today. It will happen when it happens. At this point I need to keep pushing myself because a gain would be disasterous. It isn't like I don't have a million other things in my life to worry about. I still have alot of surgery related things to get in order too. It would just be nice to know an exact date. (Sigh......)

Hopefully my next post will be all about my surgery date!??


About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2010
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