75 lbs Milestone

Apr 30, 2011

Wow!  I cannot believe that I have lost 75 lbs -- I feel wonderful physically and I am getting there emotionally and mentally.  Just to catch you up from my last post.  I bought pj's and nighties from Victoria Secrets.  I was very surprised that when I tried the PJ's on that they were too big!  For one, I never thought I would fit into that stuff but two, I never expected that I would need a smaller size!  I have to say that when I got the package in the mail, the Hubby liked what I got too
Speaking of the hubby, we are working on our relationship.  It's been a rough couple of weeks for us.  Life just seems to keep happening and we are in desperate need of couple time.  We sat on the front porch last night and had a good talk.  It's weird but now that I feel so much better, I want to go out and have fun.  I want my hubby to flirt with me and take me out.  I think I know why some marriages go through a stressful time during this process -- as an obese woman, I didn't have a lot of attention from men -- I didn't get "those" looks or have guys strike up a conversation with me.  And, I am not saying that all men do that now, but some do.  I realized that I was so accustomed to being ignored as a woman, even by my own husband.  Now that I am not always ignored, I discovered that I what I really want is that type of response from the man I am married to.  The Hubby is not the most romantic man in the world --- The first thing he did was the dishes   He's gonna need a bit of help to figure it out but at least he understood what I was saying.  It's hard with our household of two teenagers (who do not drive yet b/c we have held off) and one very energetic three year old to have any privacy or time to spend just the two of us.  The good news is that we see what we need to do and we will work towards getting that back in our relationship.  

Oh, and I wanted to update you all on the body wraps that I have had and will continue to do.  The first wrap results were 18 inches lost and 2 lbs.  It was not a wrap where you sweat or have the mud.  They actually exfoliate all of your skin with a special brush, then they apply two types of creams, wrap you plastic wrap from head to toe, and let you lay down for about 30 minutes, then they cut you out and rub in all the cream.  They do measure before and after -- I watched her like a hawk to see exactly how she measured each time and she was consistent.  The only thing that is uncomfortable is when you are wrapped and laying down, there is a moment of claustrophobia since your body is bound up.  The soothing music and letting my mind wander helped to keep that at bay.  The cost is $180.00 per session but I signed up for coupons so I paid $117.00 -- The place that I went to was called Skin & Beyond Day Spa in Franklin TN.  I was not looking at the wrap to help  me with my weight loss so much as I was wanting to have my skin in good shape for the rapid shrinkage it is going through.  My skin is doing pretty good.  The wrap just takes the toxins out of your skin which causes the inch loss.  To give you an example, my right arm is a lot bigger than my left arm.  After the wrap, my right arm was 2 inches smaller.  My body stores toxins in that arm for some reason.  I have had a lot of emails about the wrap and I am not trying to sell anything.  I can only say this was my experience with the process.

Hope you all have a wonderful week -- God Bless you all and may you keep losing! 


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