20 Years and 6 months ago I was reborn

Jun 10, 2024

Certainly! Here is a cleaned-up version of your blog post:


I recently revisited this website to check on my surgeon, and it seems social media platforms have drawn many people away. However, I noticed that there are still new members and some of us old-timers as well.

I had my surgery on January 6, 2004. At that time, I was 264 lbs, 5'5", and 42 years old. Now, at 62, I am 5'4" and weigh 125 lbs. My highest weight post-surgery was 155 lbs. I spent some time at 145 lbs but realized I hadn't gone through all that effort to be above my target weight.

I continue to use my weight loss tool effectively. I avoid sugar, eat small meals (two a day), and no alcohol or sugar-free smoothies. I ensure each part of my meal is below 200 calories. I take vitamins and supplements and stay active, (which should include the gym, but doesn't)

Since my surgery, I've accomplished everything I dreamed of. I genuinely believe I wouldn't be alive today if I hadn't lost the weight, especially after witnessing many friends pass away from obesity around age 45.

I've had varied and fulfilling careers. I worked in theatre and film as a costume designer, toured with rock and roll bands as a big rig truck driver, and went back to school to complete my BA, followed by a master's degree and teaching credentials in 2020. Now, as a new teacher at an age when many consider retiring, I plan to continue for at least another 10 years. I'm also a grandmother to two wonderful boys and get to watch them, along with my son, grow. My daughter has found her way and is thriving.

All of this has been my dream—a dream I know I wouldn't have achieved without the surgery. If I hadn't undergone the procedure, I would likely still be sitting in a chair, watching TV, and asking whoever was up to get me some water. Instead, when I'm not at work, I spend my time in my office working with technology, sewing in the tackhouse, or creating with polymer clay in my studio. My mother lives nearby, and we spend a lot of time together. My father passed away about a year ago, but I'm grateful for the years I had with him. My mom, who will be 90 next month, still goes to the gym and remains active in local and national historical associations. Thanks to my healthy lifestyle, I can support my home, allowing my husband to retire and enjoy riding his Harley.

I promised myself when I had the surgery that I would never be overweight again. I made a commitment to keep my tools active and stay disciplined with my eating habits—no sugar, small meals, and no mindless snacking. Sadly, I've seen friends who didn't stick to these principles.

This is just a glimpse of what the surgery has given me. I hope you find some inspiration in my journey and consider taking a similar path to achieve your dreams.



About Me
wildomar, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 20
New Recipe SF Pumpkin Cheese cake
New foods
Nutrition info
Protein Chips
Hairloss and why
Oven Fried Chicken
Ulcer Bleed round 2
Addiction, not just for those who transfere
