Ernurse323 17 years, 11 months ago

Go Amy !!! I am thinking about you on your special day..remember..The LONGEST day of Summer !!! Big Hugs...I am very excited for has been a long wait and you are ready !! Hugs, Dana

Ms Court 17 years, 11 months ago

Amy my thoughts and prayers are with you today as you take the next step in your journey. Can't wait to welcome you to the losing side. :)

Tinkerbelle ..I Do Believe ! 17 years, 11 months ago

Amy, Today is the day you regain your life . Today is the day that you take the fight against Obesity and win . From this day forward , it will be all about you . Each day will depend on Amy ..I want you to know that all that come to this side are to respected for their decision to go thru this . TO walk this walk . It is not always an easy one . But the results .. will save your life . If I could offer any advice today , it would be to keep it real .. remember you are human .. each day is a new day .. and to take care of YOU . May the love of the Irish be with you today and always as you go thru your journey . I am here for you .. and pray for a uneventful surgery and recovery .. I look forward to welcoming you to the loosing side .. With much love .. Natalie ...

A10sFrau 17 years, 11 months ago

Godbless and Godspeed iin your recovery! Like Shanana said, sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk. Lois

Shanana 17 years, 11 months ago

Congrats Amy!! Today is your day. Will be praying for you today. Keep positive and remember, Sip,Sip,Sip, Walk Walk Walk. You will be reporting your good news to us soon. Prayers and hugs!! Shannon

Nancy S. 17 years, 11 months ago

Amy my thought and prayers are with you today! don't forget to come back to the June babies board and let us know how your are doing! God Bless! Nancy

H G 17 years, 11 months ago

Tomorrow is your day! Good luck on your journey.

Andrea N. 17 years, 11 months ago

I will be praying for your speedy recovery! I am right behind you - Friday is my day - lets keep in touch okay! Big Hugs! Andrea

Christine Hood 17 years, 11 months ago

Good luck Amy! I am so excited for you! Don't worry...everything is going to be great!! Can't wait to welcome ya to the loser's bench! Feel good girl!! Christine

* Leilani * 17 years, 11 months ago

Hello Amy - <b>CONGRATULATIONS</b> Your special day is almost here and this time on Wednesday, you'll be given the wonderful opportunity to take your life back. I hope the emotions you're experiencing this week are ALL full of excitement, hope, anticipation and peace. Just make sure to take it easy and slow after surgery. :) Lots of H20, vitamins and walking are probably the important priorities early out. I think we tend to panic during the early stages because we just cant get in enough protein or food - thats NORMAL! We pretty much have a grace period of sorts the first 90 days, it's like a learning curve to see just how "we" adjust to the new pouch and surgery. Our obese bodies have enough storage to feed off of, so protein and foods can be weaned in gradually over time! Just focus on walking as much as you possibly can and getting in as much water as possible - constantly having a sip cup in your hands. You can DO IT!!!! I wish for YOU all the joy, energy and wonderment that I've found after losing the weight. It never ceases to amaze me, daily, all the wonderful and special moments that are now available simply by regaining my health. I'll leave you with one of my FAVORITE quotes...... <i>"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally <u>unlike</u> your past. Your history is not your destiny." -- Alan Cohen </i> ........<b>So very true! : )</b>
About Me
Hampton Roads, VA
Surgery Date
May 26, 2005
Member Since
