Friday is almost here!!!

Jan 03, 2011

Friday  is almost here!  I can hardly believe it.  One second I am a nervous mess and the next I am as calm as I have ever been.  As the days go by I realize I have made a great decision.   Little things happen each day that help me know I am moving in the right direction. 

Yesterday I met a lady that was living at a weight between 450 and 500 lbs.  She was no longer able to walk.  She had to live with oxygen all the time.  She had to have help sitting up and laying down.  There was no part of her life that was independent.  She was sweet, and gentle spirited.  I could tell she had been a loving  caring woman her entire life, but that her body was jailing her soul.   She was imprisoned in her fat!  I went to say good bye to her as I planned to leave and I found myself with tears in my eyes as she thanked me for being nice to her.  She isn't used to people being nice to her.  How sad that humanity has assumed the right to be mean to fat people.  But I knew this.  Just this morning my daughter called my son "chubby!"  His feelings were hurt, and I felt guilty because he learned to happy "chubby" because he has seen me do it his entire life.  WELL, NO MORE!!!!

Life has changed!  Tim (my husband) told me last night that I have to start seeing myself as something besides "fat."  I think he is right.  If you can't see it, in your minds eye, then you will never believe it.  One thing is for sure.  I believe I will be a healthy weight, and will teach my children how to eat healthy.  They will have a life of health and wealth.  I am making this change now, today!!!

Friday is a major step in the right direction.  I have picked the best doctor on the east coast, and have the support of my family and friends.   I have asked God to watch over me and I know he will never fail me.  So, I move forward.    


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Oct 19, 2010
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