4 days out!

Jan 10, 2011

I am home from the hospital, after having surgery on Friday.  I feel a little better today, and am able to get up without a lot of pain.  That left side is a real mess.  Everyone was right when they said the left side would hurt the worst.  I have 6 puncture sites and have had no drainage.  I didn't have a drain which was a real relief.  I have had diarrhea since I Saturday.  And no one seems to understand then problem with Lactose.  They fed me stuff with milk in as soon as I passed the swallow test.  Then they sent me home with orders to drink something with milk in it.  So I guess I am on my own when it comes to this first two weeks diet.  I kind of thought the diarrhea would go away after I got off the milk, but not so far.  I'm wondering if it has to do with the sugars.  I am sending my husband out to look for the protein shots that I keep hearing about.  I looked it up and it is a no sugar product.  

I am doing great with my intake of water.  The only time I am dealing with nausea is after I drink the protein, or take some medication.  I haven't had any vomiting.  If I can overcome the diarrhea I will be home free.  I know the soreness will go away with time.   

So for now, I will rest, drink, and take my pain medication.    

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Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2010
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