almost 2 months later, a dramatic 12 pounds total loss, WOWWEEE

Sep 19, 2009

Yes that's right, a whole 12 pounds. You can imagine my frustration here. I eat so little, how can this be so slow?

The first week was painful after surgery. I could barely sit up straight in a chair, had to lean back all the time. Getting up out of bed hurt, walking hurt, but really, the pain went away little by little like they said it would. 3 weeks later, the big pains I had on my side and near belly button, were just gone like that. I went back to work as a truck driver in 4 weeks, and have had no pain at all.

I can now eat about 2 bites of meat at a time, but mushy stuff is easier.  Fish is better to eat right now, I can get more in and not be malnourished. I still burp a lot when eating or drinking, and that is a pain. But more tolerable than before, that's for sure.

Everyone else is dropping weight 3 times as fast, I hope this means I won't lose a lot of hair at least.

So far I am frustrated, annoyed, disappointed and trying so hard not to regret this surgery.

If I eat one bite too much, I barf. In front of others, too. Charming. So I try to eat alone at work now, instead of laughing with everyone in the lunchroom like I used to.

I wanted to go to a Polish festival this weekend but why bother. Normally I would sample all the delicious food, but why go this time, to smell it?  Baaah.

Maybe better news next time I write. Oh, I hope so!!!   Bye, -Michelle.

