DanaDee1969 19 years, 3 months ago

Happy 4 year Re-Birthday Pam, I am so proud of you. I don't think I need to say anymore as you know how I feel about you. I love you and you are like part of my heart and family. Always here for you like I said before you had surgery "before, during and after" Love Dana Estrada "EVERYONE SHOW YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT" www.liv-lite.com Dana Estrada

1800Bev 19 years, 9 months ago

Hi and welcome to OH. I just wanted to wish you well as you progress on this amazing Journey. Stop by the CA message board to get local support. http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/state-forums/CA

BETTY H. 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Pam, I need your help to post my photo on my page. Please help!

Lisa H. 21 years, 3 months ago

Congrats Pam on your rebirth day! Can you please update and tell alittle of your story! I am going to be having surgery, hopefully not to long from now and itis always encouraging reading someone else's story. ttyl, Lisa

DanaDee1969 21 years, 10 months ago

I am forwarding this email to the group and anyone else that will listen as I am VERY happy for Pam as she has waited a long time for this and she is SUCH a great person. Please take the time to update her page and encourage her to update her profile? (she has TWO) this is her correct one but her email address is [email protected] please write her and congrad her on her upcoming surgery and ask her to UPDATE her profile?????? Here is her email to me "I have been approved!!!!! My tummy tuck, my hernia AND my ARMS!!!!!! First time Dr. Nazarian has gotten approval for arms. He will have a Plastic Surgeon in with him for the surgeries. Surgery date is August 23rd. Only 21 days away! I will be in Century City Hospital. SO, if anyone is in the neighborhood of Century City that weekend (not likely) I'd like visitors. Bad news is that that is the date I was to bid on a route for school bus, so I guess that means I will probably be a sub driver for another year. *&%#$@!!! And my Orientation is August 26th, so I will miss that also, and school starts August 28th. Oh welllll, I sure as hell won't miss my BALL & CHAIN. But now I have to tell school bus that I am going to be going in for surgery, so I will do that today, They can't fire me, can they???? It is a medical reason, because of the Hernia, tummy tuck is just a bonus, and then the arms, I hit the jackpot! So since I will be missing the meeting I will mail SCV Judy her glasses. And LACY<, forgive me, I just came upon your photos, so I will mail them out also. I don't know how I had forgotten to mail them. Looking forward to seeing some of you today for lunch. Take care, Pam P P.S. Angel Dana, can you forward this on to the Liv-lite group. Since they are Dr. N's patients. Also, maybe you can come over this weekend and see if you can get me hooked back up with the group, since I seem to be too stupid to be able to get myself back in. Also, please forward me the mail from that group. Marianne wants to carpool with us to the seminar and support meeting on the 13th. ROAD TRIP!!!! Liv-lite....Don't forget me, write to me using my address, [email protected] Thanks, Pam P Pam P. Dr. Nazarian 2/22/2001 LivLite 350/171/125????Lost over half of the "OLD" PAm
About Me
Oxnard, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
weight about 350
That's 195 pounds lost!
