July 12, 2009

Jul 12, 2009

Well I go meet with the surgeon tomorrow, to see what other tests I need to complete before my surgery.  My boyfriend Kevin is going with me for support.  He has been great during my whole ordeal here so far.  He is also trying so hard to learn what I am going to be going thru after my surgery as well.  I love him to pieces for it, even though I have a wierd way of showing it. 
I am nervous as all get out on this due to my health and all.  I am just hoping that the doctor can perform my surgery so I can start living life like it should be lived. 
I went to have the surgery back in 2004, but my insurance had changed, so it never happened.  At that time, my PCP only gave me 2 years to live.  Skip ahead to 2009, I am still here, but still in hopes of having WLS.  I know it isn't going to be a quick fix, but I am ready to use the tool to the best of my ability, and hopefully lose some of my medication.  That is the big thing.  I take 10 pills a day, insulin shots, and I just want to be rid of most, if not all of it. 
One good thing about tomorrow, I already had my stress test, gyne exam, upper GI.  So that leaves psych, nutritionist, sleep study, and possibly a mammogram (going by what I needed in 2004).  I had passed all of them the last time.  Maybe this time, I think the sleep study is going to have a different outcome, though. 
Oh well, enough for now, don't want to wig out for no reason right now.  Just take it one day at a time!


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Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2009
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